
I already watched them all! And read any book featuring Merlin (even on the side like Simon R Green where Merlin was an anti-Christ)! And watched Gargoyles! And all the historical retellings! And I visited Arthur-themed historical sites! 

If only there was Pratchett stuff with him I’d die happy. Maybe I’ll start

I would enjoy a focus on another character from Arthurian mythology. I had a crazy Merlin obsession as a kid (thanks Dark is Rising). Theres a few knights that would be fun, lady of the Lake might be fun, some stuff about Avalon maybe.

I love TH White’s series though (kid arthur is fun).

Honestly, I’m getting a bit frustrated with how many retellings of Arthurian legend are just some variation on the “sword in the stone” bit.

Team Patti! Madonna is a lot of things, but aside from A League of Thier Own, she has been awful in every movie I’ve seen her in. And her voice is a pop voice. She doesn’t have a stage voice. Patti is correct. Harsh, but correct.

Madonna was terrible in Evita. They eviscerated the score to suit her limited vocal talents. She had no business anywhere near that film.


You go to your room, RIGHT NOW, and think about what you’ve just said.

So I found a baby bird and took it to a wildlife rehab center and while I was there this woman started talking about how her husband has been out of work. And then she started shouting with joy that that’s going to change because “now we have Trump!” And I had to stifle a snort.

Me too. Yum.

I am here for this.

There can never be enough Goldblum.

I love Jason Statham and I love The Rock. I loved their scenes together. They are both simmering cauldrons of sexy charisma so YES PLEASE will take movie featuring only them doing some silly mission and giant explosions.

Bless you for having the patience to break this all down for that fool.

Holocaust centers.

1. April Ryan needs a raise. I don’t know what they are paying her, but it isn’t enough to put up with this BS.

Make fun of me if you want, I love this kind man and his music. I’m glad he finally gets to enjoy being himself. Go Barry! Go Barry!

I worked at a concert hall as an usher during college and I am not kidding when I say that, of all the acts I saw, and there were probably over 100 big name ones, no one and I mean NO ONE had a larger and more rabid collection of groupies than Barry Manilow.

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.