
My tough as nails grandfather had the same thing happen to him shortly after his 89th birthday (he was up visiting relatives in Boston and took a fall) though he was lucky in that the leakage onto the brain was so slow it took SIX WEEKS before the effects became serious enough for him to go to his GP (and the GP, upon

COVID happened during spring break, which is usually the busiest part of the year at my work. During that last morning huddle, my boss’s boss came out, told everyone that if they came in contact with someone who had covid or had traveled somewhere covid was big, they were going to be put on leave for two weeks, no

top 3 from least terrible to most terrible:

Hell yes she should be angry.

I remember watching the news with my Boppa (my grandfather) about a year ago and I remarked to him that Trump was the first president to not own a pet in the White House in like, forever and he just went:

Same thing happened with my Mom years ago!

What about seventeen again (not Zac Efron’s 17 again), but it was a Showtime movie that got aired several times on Disney Channel in the early 2000's in part because it had all three Mowry siblings in it. The male sibling played a kid Genius who made like a special soap and it turned their grandmother into a seventeen

Saw this last night in Imax with this guy I’ve been kinda flirting with. We were the only people under the age of fifty in the theatre and after like the fifth monologue of Brad Pitt going, “UGHHH MY DAD ISSUES” both of us decided to play the game of ‘who can make the other laugh so hard we get dirty looks from the

I saw one conservative on Instagram who was like “well if they want to be all politically correct they’re gonna have to cancel South Park as well”

I guess so?

Me, someone who doesn’t vape/smoke because she’s never found the appeal: You’re not my dad!! Don’t tell me what to do!! -aggressively blows vape smoke in Trumps direction-

Ironically I had a friend whose ADHD doctor told her to snort Adderall if she was in a pinch because “it reaches the brain faster”

look I’m not saying I will riot if “All Star” by Smash Mouth isn’t in GotG Part 3, but like...It makes sense, right???

for some reason, my part of Texas is just crawling with Mormons and literally every Mormon I know tends to be like “oh no Coffee and tea are EVIL” as they chug Dr. Pepper (mainly because Dr Pepper is the state drink and they know if they drink it, they’ll still be able to mingle with the non Mormons)

My uncle already posted a link blaming this on Hillary and I’m just like, “so a prison, run by Trump’s DOJ, allowed Hillary to come in and murder him herself? yeh, that’s very realistic.”

fun fact: in the summer of 2009 I too, had a thing for Karl Urban (thanks to Star Trek)

my grandparents decided to buy a cabin in the mid-1980s’ on the edge of a lake in small-town Texas, two hours away from their home. When I say small town like three years ago, I went there and the townspeople were not only so excited that the McDonalds had been built, but they had just approved the 7/11 to sell booze

I honestly thought she was gonna die by Jamies hand, or even by Ayra strangling her.

The summer before senior year of high school, I attempted to reinvent myself. By reinventing myself I mean I bragged to everyone how I was becoming ‘cultured’, and by cultured I mean signing up for AP English, wearing all black, experimenting with lipstick, cutting my hair (from halfway down my waist to just

My Uncle takes issues with Trump’s ‘bone spur’ mainly because he had actual health issues as a kid but because he was “working-class” (his dad died when he was young and his mom was a teacher, which meant money wise he was on his own for college) his number got called and his draft officer told him “law school won’t