
I think he’s...almost balanced. He is definitely on the strong side and a good duo is going to be nearly unstoppable. But I was almost 1v1ing him as Thrall, if I had our support with us, I won the fights generally. And giving up a second person on the map can hurt on some maps, particularly early on.

The worst part is I see tons of negative reviews that actually vote up the game for some inane reason.

How is drawing attention to them in the way that they did here bad? Grayson writes about how this game doesn’t deserve the good reviews. MAYBE some people will buy it because they saw it on Kotaku, but my guess is people will know to save their money now.

Yeah, you’d think with them not releasing a proper Animal Crossing game for the Wii U, they’d put some heart into this one. Sadly, that doesn’t appear to be the case. It DID save me having to spend over $100 to buy Isabelle and Digby from a scalper on eBay, though. So I guess there’s that.

I liked this Nigel Thornberry better personally.

I thought it was kinda cartoony and immersion-breaking myself. I mean, nothing against you if that’s how you felt. It definitely came out of left field. I just wouldn’t say I felt it was that heavy of a scene.

This. My jaw hasn’t been the same since the Betrayal of Arthas clip from WC3. The ending of Heart of the Swarm did nothing to help me pick it up again.

Yeah. If it was JUST Blizzard I’d say it was 50/50 whether they did this. But I guarantee Activison will not be cool with a $60 price tag on a game that so easily could be F2P with microtransactions.

I dunno, Abathur, Murky and the Lost Vikings are pretty unique. And Bard from League as well (never got into DotA2, so I can’t really comment on any of those champions...I did read about Meepo and he definitely looks interesting), so I guess it depends on when Meepo was released.

This is...potentially problematic. I trust Blizzard, but not Activison. I could see them, like you said, charging piecemeal for new characters as they’re released. But it’s not worth speculating right now, I suppose. Only time will tell.

This is why I never got into Hearthstone. The lower levels were kinda fun I guess but now that I’m watching the higher-ranked streams, I listen to people basically predicting exactly what their enemy has in their deck (and generally being right). It seems like everyone’s building their decks using the same recipe

I was trying to point out how silly the whole thing was, clearly I failed >_>


I’m joking =3=


I can confirm this. I just can’t say WHY I can confirm this.

Oh for sure. I’m just saying that it’s kind of irrelevant to point out that one person was still a dick despite the changes. Because in League (or really, any online game), there’s always going to be someone being a dick.

I still managed to find myself being berated by an angry dude who kept calling me a “fucking idiot” because I took a character he wanted this morning.

It’s silly to blame a competitor for a company folding. Talk about missing the point of competition!

What a poetic way to put it. The Dreamcast was an amazing blaze of glory to go down in. Talk about leaving a mark on the industry.