Mark Jacob

It’s much bigger than the Equinox. It’s significantly bigger than even the Blazer EV. I guarantee the suspension is much different, the seats are bigger and more supportive, the motors are definitely not the same, the luxury features aren’t the same...

Right? To anyone doubling down or arguing this wasn’t what we all saw, I challenge them to make a gesture that represents “my heart goes out to you.” Try it gently. Try it vigorously. Try it any way you like as long as the intent is to symbolically gesture as though you are offering your heart to a crowd.

It didn’t look like a Nazi salute. It WAS a Nazi salute. Bro clicked his heels and thumped his chest first, then he turned around and heiled the flag. Anyone still pretending this was some awkward wave or “miming throwing his heart to the audience” is engaging in knowing denialism and deserves to be shamed from public

Again, 2009 was 16 years ago. Very little from that era has an effect on current used car prices. We saw a global pandemic, production bottlenecks, and economic uncertainty drive sales down just five years ago. The supply of cars under a decade old is MUCH more closely related to used cars sales. People are keeping

Hmm, conspicuous silence from the biggest Tesla stan here.

People don’t want to admit the truth to themselves. It’s why they buy the lies Trump and Musk sell; it’s better to hope and assume their claims will solve their real or perceived problems, than to consider and be faced with the mental load of knowing things will only get worse.

If you’re still driving a Tesla at this point, you’re announcing your support for Nazism period. If you’re buying a Tesla at this point, you are a Nazi.

I am excited for our future of opeds by Boomers screaming about how car insurance is so expensive and then climbing into their battering rams, flipping their LED headlights on high because of the night blindness they don’t have, and then pulling out, one hand on the wheel, the other on their phone with the mic pointed

Something that plays orders of magnitude larger role than cash for clunkers in the supply of Great Recession era cars is that 4-6 million fewer new cars per year were sold for over 2 years because of the Great Recession.

Exactly. To him, it’s not about money anymore. It’s about power, influence, and shaping civilization into his idea of a perfect model. And his speech was clearly paying homage to the “14 Words” - the most popular white supremacist slogan in the world. Nazis and white supremacists the world over are creaming their

Musk is an actual fucking nazi.  NOBODY should buy a tesla.  FUCK that POS.

I replaced my Model 3 with an EV made in a country where Musk could have been arrested for that salute. Irony. 

Or call people that are rescuing children “pedos”. 

No company is completely innocent (just look at all the banks accused of fraud or robbing their own customers). But these days I will settle for the companies whose CEOs aren’t making “awkward hand gestures” during public appearances.

Not that General Motors is a innocent lil’ angel of a company... but I’m pretty glad we chose to get an Equinox EV instead of a Tesla. In fact- I’d say Elon just helped GM and probably anyone else who makes an EV a lot. 

The costs are such that automakers will do nothing but wait out the clock until someone less-idiotic is in the White House. It’ll be at most four more years, and their revenues aren’t such that it makes sense to even think about building new plants in the US. First, because the cost would likely never be recouped.

Didn’t they start Making America Great Again with those hats? So moving stuff to sweatshops abroad :D.

Stop trying to apply logic to Trumpism.  They’re mutually exclusive terms.

Completely apolitical, purely economic question — what is the point of moving auto manufacture back to the US if it results in, say, 20% higher finished product costs for consumers? The pro stance are jobs (but of course, they cant be union ones, b/c unions are the devil), but if paying US wages requires a 20% bump in