Mark Jacob

The fairest way would be to abolish the taxes for both, and setup a toll system for all of America’s major highways and freeways. You want to use the road, you pay for it. Then it doesn’t matter what you’re driving, everyone pays the same amount for the same benefit of use.

I’m not suggesting we do this however. It

The gas tax hasn’t been raised since the early 90s. Hybrids getting 40-50mpg pay substantially less than traditional gas cars. I hear no one ever ask those to pay more.

I mean, the “road tax” isn’t exactly wrong. If everyone went electric like some people want then how are we going to pay for road maintenance? You could be taxed by the mile, but that’s going to be harder to track for people that might have older vehicles without just straight up slapping GPS trackers on every car,

Glad climate change induced sea level rise is only a myth, Dubai being at [current] sea level.

Now playing

Elon Musk probably thinks the London Underground is a political movement XD

Doesn’t Dubai already have an underground rail network — the Dubai Metro? (Would this be worth pointing out in the article?)

Great place to be in bad weather!  Let’s hope they never get rain because a concrete tube underground seems like the perfectplace to be during flooding


Wedding Crashers has people crashing weddings, does that mean the movie is anti-wedding because no one would want to have their wedding crashed?

Worse than Idiocracy.

The movie has no message about who should or shouldn’t be allowed to breed. The eugenics message is something that you’ve (and others) made up in your head because YOU think certain people shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

brought to you by carl’s junior

You can do other things like limit the number of poling centers allowed per county, require that people only vote in their county, run short on voting paper at multiple urban areas on voting day, and other manor of voter suppression. Texas has enough of Ted Cruz people, that I don’t think even those things matter,

I mean, one side uses “progressive” as a pejorative.

Definitely began during the GOP primaries in 2015.

God damnit. In my defense, I was blinded by rage.

*paces dramatically back and forth in front of a bank* GATTACA! GATTACA!

We attained Idiocracy in November 2016.

A movie about unrestricted breeding is about eugenics? Gerrymandering affects Senators?