Mark Jacob

Beerfest, without a doubt. Prost! 

Wait - in iOS, have you never been able to organize your icons on the home screen how you want?  

Oh it was absolutely the plan.  Dump some money into a proof-of-concept product, make some updates over the years, and hype up beyond as much as possible “future capability”, then sell right as everyone is about to figure out your product is a sham.

“This sentence demonstrates that those who seek to betray our country will be held accountable for their crimes.

Can’t wait for the investigation to find all the corruption and illegal activity was performed by Trump-affiliated entities.  Every accusation, etc.

Well, I guess I’ll be continuing my trend of not going to Wendy’s.

One can hope

The most recent attack took only 15 minutes in silence with both rudders being bitten off,

The Furai.  

ok elon

Can’t wait for the big reveal at the end of the movie that the main character’s last name is Skywalker.  :rolls-eyes-so-hard-I-die:

what a weird hill to die on

OK Elon

ok Andrew

Because it would be weird if he got sprayed with gasoline while working on an EV1 or something.

Or you could just have a butter dish on your counter like a sane person.

Absolutely loving everything, but I did have one question: The prisoners that are “let out,” only to be put on another level - wouldn’t they say something to the other prisoners? Wouldn’t it be common knowledge by this point that you’re never really released, you’re just moved to a new level?  Or, is this a new thing

Also kinda odd that you felt the need to be a pedantic dickhead.

Me trying to understand anything going on in this article:

It’s not lies.  All these seditionist assholes belong in jail, and there’s mountains of evidence to put them there.  It’s just the people that have the power to do so have no spine.