Mark Jacob

One can hope

The most recent attack took only 15 minutes in silence with both rudders being bitten off,

The Furai.  

ok elon

OK Elon

ok Andrew

Because it would be weird if he got sprayed with gasoline while working on an EV1 or something.

Or you could just have a butter dish on your counter like a sane person.

Me trying to understand anything going on in this article:

It’s not lies.  All these seditionist assholes belong in jail, and there’s mountains of evidence to put them there.  It’s just the people that have the power to do so have no spine.

This is 1000% what is going to happen.  Nothing will ever come of all these investigations.

I’m not disagreeing with you here, but the prior history of the dudes that got shot really doesn’t have any bearing on what happened that night.

What the fuck did you watch, cause that’s not what happened.  This fucking tool shouldn’t have been there in the first place, and he should be in jail for illegally possessing a firearm, but that is not even close to what happened.

Because this is America and she either couldn’t afford it or didn’t want to be in debt for the rest of her life.

He wasn’t holding the gun when the officers attacked him.

Can’t wait for my racist father-in-law to bitch the whole goddamn show.

I am extremely confused by the title.

Try harder, troll.

What the fuck are you talking about?

THANK YOU! As someone who grew up just south of Rutland and has since moved to North Carolina, I’ve been having to convince my southern coworkers that no one in Vermont ever put out mac and cheese at Thanksgiving.