A simple text search for a simpleton. We all know he didn’t do the search, and I don’t doubt that his staff has learned that he doesn’t want all that data stuff ...
A simple text search for a simpleton. We all know he didn’t do the search, and I don’t doubt that his staff has learned that he doesn’t want all that data stuff ...
I notice they haven’t changed Denali. Must not be as important.
Details and context are just as woke as facts now, Swib
So, his proof that 20% of NSF’s spending is woke is based on a simple text search? Was there any effort to even review the line items flagged by such a simplistic identification process?
I would love to hear him explain exactly what is “neo-Marxist class warfare propaganda.” Hell, I would love to hear him describe DEI or “woke”.
I dont know if they planned it this way, but its a little amusing they changed it after a quick but loud push to delete Google Maps.
I gave up on Google long ago. I only use its products when I have to, like for work, or when there isn’t a better alternative, like internet (cause Google Fiber hands down beats the ever loving shit out of Comcast internet.)
Mare Incognitum, or here there be idiots to the north
Funny how people used to think Silicon Valley and Big Tech were liberal.
Bunch of beta babies, or something of the sort.
Apple made the change too
Exactly what I came to say. Goddamn cowards.
We live in the dumbest timeline
“In parts of the Deep South, Ford, Falstaff and Philip Morris have been nicknamed “The Three Fs”
And now AI will use this article as its proof, ironically.