Mark Jacob

My point is that it’s a shame it sucks in the game, because it’s obviously quite good in real life. You’re looking way too far into my comment.


This is exactly what I mean.

David, I love you, but you obviously have not had any experience with kids. There’s no fucking way in hell that 4 kids with car seats will work in a Mazda 5. Three kids with car seats barely works in my Grand Caravan.

A very good alternative, but getting into the way back is an issue.

WOW at the people I’ve apparently so deeply offended by my comment. I’m sorry you can’t comprehend that a car that’s great on a track in real life might suck in a video game.

Too bad it drives like a fucking pig in Forza 7. Tried the demo out last night - was not impressed.

I generally love all things Volvo, and I do like this thing (despite being yet another crossover), but that rear-door / C-pillar treatment is a crime against humanity. Pretty soon we’ll have cars with no glass and rely on cameras mounted outside the car to see anything.

I fucking love Alestorm.

I feel like an Astra would be amazing with a Cobalt SS motor. I wonder if anyone’s ever done it.

As someone who will never have the time or friends for raids or anything, that sounds amazing.

You’re not making it any easier to stomach missing out on Destiny 2! :)

My 18 month old regularly has to deal with being draped across my chest/shoulder while I mash away at the controller, silently screaming curses at the TV while playing Rocket League. Needless to say, she’s a pretty sound sleeper now.

I bought the first Destiny when my middle child was born, June of ‘14. Didn’t have much time to play it (pretty much only when everyone was asleep), but managed to beat the campaign and get up to level 260-ish.

You’re not wrong.


Poorly worded, true, but use a little of your brain and you should figure out the intended meaning.

Wow, all the people bitching about “another article focusing on gender” and trying to mansplain-down her victory. Christ, people, grow up.

Oh really?