I was 50:50 on which side I was going to take here, until I read this:
Totally going to be the annoying dad/Debby Downer here, but - c’mon guys, at least wear a helmet.
That driver is a god.
When I was a kid in VT, there was this old garage/used car dealership that always had like 5 shitty cars out front for sale. Next to a fence on the edge of the property, right by the road, sat a Bricklin, rotting away. It was there for the entire 22 years I lived in VT. I always told myself I would come back one…
Ugh. Those wheels are a crime against humanity. Chrome wheels do not look good anymore.
I took it more as she unbuckled herself, got out and then collapsed. The driver’s side of the car is not actually that fucked up.
Agreed, but it was only 4 years ago.
Gross. I’m glad the black hood trend seems to be dying.
I bought my 5-speed ‘92 240 wagon with 235,000 miles without cut springs and weeping main seals, and it easily started every time I asked it to.
This is pretty much exactly how I plan on going out when I get too old to be happy.
Why are you worried? Our current administration seems to have no problem with it.
I too am a father now (of three) so my time is very valuable. The site also looks quite useful to me.
Thanks for the tip!
I wish I had friends to play with. After I beat the campaign in Destiny 1, I basically had to stop playing because everything I had left to do needed a party. :(
It’s amazing how much better the R8 (all generations) looks with those dumb sideblades painted the same color as the rest of the body.
Vermonter here, who now lives in NC - good, actual maple syrup is one of the things I miss most about living up north. Totally agree about Grade A being the worst. My mother-in-law used to work at a ranch that made their own syrup, and last year she brought down two giant mason jars of syrup that were probably…