I grew up in Clarendon, just south of Rutland. Moved down here to North Carolina in 2010, though.
I grew up in Clarendon, just south of Rutland. Moved down here to North Carolina in 2010, though.
Agreed about the Miata - it’s a shame it was not offered outside of Japan.
Whoever you actually are, you are a genius.
This is fantastic.
My FPS on the Xbox is very unpredictable as well. I can have a few matches in the new stadium map and have everything be fine, then suddenly the next match I’ll dip down into almost unplayable FPS territory. Very strange.
I think you guys nailed it - probably Abarth doing the conversion to see how feasible it would be, and it just wasn’t documented properly.
I honestly haven’t been to Burlington in a number of years but next time I’m there I will have to try Four Corners.
Looks like you were around Lake Champlain, maybe? Did you make it to the Red Onion on Church Street in Burlington? One of my favorite places.
Next step is to buy tires that actually fit the wheels on that M3.
If I still had my first car (‘98 Plymouth Neon Expresso sedan) I would totally do this. There wasn’t much that could stop that car.
Level with me here. Why are you copying and pasting your response over and over?
Ferraris aren’t British.
It’s awful. That’s what it is.
Paging SpeedyCop...
We have two Fire Kid’s editions, and they are the greatest things ever for the kids. They use them all the time, and with the content restrictions in place, I don’t have to worry about them getting into anything they shouldn’t be. The way they can delete and download apps is so easy that the kids do it themselves all…
We have two Fire Kid’s editions, and they are the greatest things ever for the kids. They use them all the time, and…
Yes. I used to like Doug, but now every video showing a car’s “quirks” is just filled with click-bait level hyperbole about minor issues that every car has.
This is brilliant.
“Or does none of this matter, and fuck it, it’s a car, you own it now and do whatever you want with it?”