Mark D

First move of free agency I guess.

Technically her tax dollars pay for the building to exist. It’s just a coincidence that the team that pays his salary happens to occupy the stadium.

Breaking news: 80-year-old white guy from South Carolina doesn’t want Blacktivists on his team.

Exactly. Hell, let Leslie Jones do it.

Well, with Wes Johnson down, Harden’s definitely gonna need a new Challenger.

It’s not cosplay if he’s on duty... 19 years retired. He’s just playing dress-up.


I’ve got the solution for Andy Reid’s standing-on-the-sidelines problem:

I think the disconnect/distrust they have with wrestling journalists does lie in all the storyline speculation/creative assumptions present in most stories... For example, the average Roman Reigns article would most likely include a mention of him presumably fighting Brock at Mania; the average Lesnar article these


Kudos to him for not finding that confetti gun in the middle of the night and smashing it with a hammer.

Great article... One question, though: No mention of Angle-Lesnar ironman?

Over 1,000 words to say “Because it’s really hard”? Brilliant journalism.

Dammit! All you had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!

That could still happen on the pre-show Sunday, or on social media. But there was no TV in between the match being announced and the match happening, so there was no chance to do it. And he only ENTERED the match by decoying the Miztourage down the ramp and jumping Balor from behind. CLASSIC heel work.

Yeah, he’s hardly a heel any more. Hasn’t really been since the Reigns feud. He’s still the “destructive monster” though, which usually skews heel.

Rollins did it to prove he belongs in the match... As for the heels, Miz came armed with interference, Elias didn’t kill himself at all - he picked up the scraps on an already-gassed Rollins. And Strowman just loves a fight

Balor will get his moment, but he hasn’t been built enough yet. Charismatic Irish cruiserweight just isn’t beating planet-smashing Lesnar. Styles couldn’t even beat him.