Mark D

I think this Elimination Chamber has been one of the best mass stories they’ve woven in a long time. Every note in the gauntlet match tied up a loose end and happened for a reason. Fantastic storytelling.

Bevin: “Guns aren’t evil, people are! You can’t regulate evil!”

Confiscate all firearms they own and bar them from ever purchasing one. I’m all for it.

+3 bork

Nah, Texan fans look more like Jeff Fisher

NFL football, to me, has just become so insider-dependent in order to understand all of what’s going on. Watching baseball, the innovations are pretty simple to understand and process, same with basketball. An average fan can sort of explain why everything happened on a play... The fielders shifted to the left, so he

But yeah, I’m sure an amateur could handle it just fine.

I relate to this so freakin hard, man.

—Texas Tech fan trying to get Texas to notice us

Why the hell would Minnesota have ANYBODY more than 30 feet from the basket? 3 guys beyond half court?? Put 1 guy on the inbound, quadruple-team Lebron and make someone else hit the game-winner.

3rd worst defense in the league, they’re gonna need a lot more than o-line.

Tom Brady vs. Nick Foles. Belichick vs. Pederson. Black guy (“but not THAT kinda black guy, he was on Broadway!”) sings America the Beautiful, Pink singing the anthem, Timberlake at halftime, IN MINNESOTA...

Whitest Super Bowl ever? I’ll hang up and listen.

They’ll probably throw some flimsy assault charge at him that won’t get enforced. Might spend a couple hours in custody.

Innes definitely. Payne’s more “meathead” but the difference is negligible.

John McClain with the best reaction to this shit. And please, Innes, PLEASE keep acting like you’re gonna get tough in the face of an ex-NFL player. PLEASE talk your way into an ass-kicking.


“Like if, as you suggest, it came out that everyone involved in the show was abducting babies and selling them at the Davos conference to the highest bidder, that would probably sully the Game of Thronesbrand beyond repair.” 

Keep showing replays (which they did!)

The whole night I was stunned that they couldn’t just push the table back over. Fuckin lazy-ass roadies.

No linemen. Make it 7-on-7.