
It's noteworthy because it's rare, and it's challenging the stereotype that only youth attracts big sponsorships. So, yeah, I thought it was worth pointing out.

Sigh. So some "circumstances" are all good to stereotype — and other ones are beyond criticism, right?

For me, it's the idiot who just asked "yea but why is this on jez, this is a sports story duh"

The Mr is an attorney, and has been exceedingly clear as to what we will do if our approximately $10 per year lottery investment should pay off. Do not tell anyone. Call your accountant and your attorney and tell them alone the situation. They will set up the appropriate accounts and stuff. Then take the lump sum, and

With $550 million, I may be able to put a very small dent in my student loans bill.

I don't get comments like this. All my mom friends use Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and whatever. They are good moms. Being a good mom doesn't mean you glue your eyes to your crotch spawn 24/7 and don't blink, you're allowed to do things you enjoy, too. Babies sleep. Babies hang out with dad. Babies don't have

My experience in NY and CT (for years) was that we got cocky in the snow because we had the snow tires on, and let's face it, no one can drive on ice. Because it's ice.

Pierce, you seriously need to move on.

Love, please go see another doctor. That is way too much for anyone to handle without the support of a professional. I think your pattern after all that tragedy is totally normal but talking with someone who can help you through the grief and anxiety will be the best thing for you. I would like to toughen up your

Get a new doctor. Seriously, not okay. For someone to work up the nerve to MAKE AN APPT to see their trusted professional and say "I'm not doing okay", while having recent obvious physical and emotional traumas and a marked change in weight, only to have that doctor blow them off is CRAZY.

First off: I'm so sorry you're going through such a rough patch. Secondly, your serious funk is serious and legit, and it was hella unprofessional of your doctor to pretend that "toughen up" is somehow serious medical advice. I would suggest talking to your husband about the doctor, and asking him to help you find

Your doctor is an asshole. I recommend finding a new one, or going to a psychiatrist, to discuss getting on a combination of meds and therapy. "Toughen up" is one of the worst things you can say to someone that is depressed.

Damn that's some confidence-inducing twirling right there, thanks!

I am so upset at this story and I was pretty calm during the one surgery I've had. But I can't imagine spending hours trying to shove a watermelon out of my crotch only to have someone PUSH IT BACK IN.

Why are we pushing people to accept these bodies as "beautiful"?

To save half of you the trouble: OMG Fatties R Bad. Shame on you Laura for being a fatpologist! Health! CONCERN!!

I applaud this, especially since I look like this. However, while they don't need Photoshop, they do need better photographers/photographs.

Oh, it'd be okay if she were ugly?

I just kinda want to look at (as horrible as this sounds) the possibility that dolls like this being available might prevent actual child molestation from occurring. After all pedophilia is a mental illness; child molestation is a crime. So it's all well and good to take a stance against something mentally wrong with