
AMEN. I tend to wear high-waisted pants with flowy blouses, which helps avoid the embarrassing discretely-hike-up-my-pants-when-they-inevitably-roll-down-my-gut maneuver.

I had bangs when my ex and I first met that grew out before we started dating, and I once mentioned (not asked!) that I was thinking about bringing them back. He repeatedly asked me not to do it, so for some reason I obliged. First thing I did when we broke up — ALL BANGS ALL THE TIME until I got too busy to get them

Shrek had Fiona, but come on—no one waxes poetic about the influence DreamWorks had on their childhood.

It is based on body fat percentage. They switched it after the first season when it was based on pounds, which resulted in the women being kicked off early. In the finale, they tell the contestants before they get on the scale how many pounds they need to have lost to have the highest percentage loss. I imagine they

Whenever those dreadful articles crop up leaping to conclusions about Hugh Jackman because some people think his wife is not as attractive as him (blech), I always think "DID THESE PEOPLE NOT SEE NEWSIES???"

I wonder if Jonah Hill got any back end points in that contract. I'd take $60k for seven months of work* if it meant back end points on a Scorsese film. But after reading the linked article, I imagine it's unlikely.

I regularly get approached by all sorts of people who want to know what "half" I am. My friends joke that I'm a jack of all races because apparently I can pass for half anything but am actually half of none. It feels like some people need to know what my (nonexistent) other half is before they can figure me out. I'm

I have nothing substantive to add except that you are strong and will dominate this pregnancy thing.

Zonkeys forever! Just be warned that there's a line for their babies, and it is long.

As a Dallas resident I know that local media/community were excited about them being here, and Khloe seemed to embrace Dallas as well. There was much confusion and sadness when Lamar was dropped, so people at least knew something was up.

Don't forget Maverick. Sigh.

1500 words to tell us to shut the fuck up sometimes. Somebody call Alanis.

I'm no help, but I can contribute this.

The accompanying music made me feel like I was in the greatest Nintendo game ever.

So does the 500 years of misery in their expressions. Sheesh.

So did Lance not get invited to rehearsals?

As a trademark attorney, I'm just going to say this is why you hire us to do what we do.