
You can't help who touches your life. Grieve as much as you need.

I think it's totally ok to feel as sad as you do. I'm really sad, too. He made an impact on our childhoods and had a piece of our hearts through his work. *hug*

Don't ever fuckin' be ashamed of that. I love it, too. Hook is childhood joy made film and he was fantastic.

The knowledge that he lost the battle breaks my heart the most right now. Poor, poor Robin Williams. To suffer under that kind of mental weight...

Hook. All I want to do is watch Hook and see the joy in him and pretend he isn't gone. I'm so saddened by his death. R.I.P. to Mr. Williams, and peace to his family.

I love that the two of them toured. They are amazing.

fuck people. You're her mom now and I bet she's the happiest little cat :D

I have an orange kitty, too, and she was cute like this when she was little. I miss those days! It was hell keeping her out of stuff, but she was soooo curious and happy about everything. Your kitty is adorable :D

I couldn't get the hang of the North. Hamburg and Stade were nice, but not for me. Munich and Regensburg were my JAM. I couldn't get enough! :)

I once visited Munich on a market day and there were vegetables and fruit for DAYS. That may have been a fluke, but my native German FIL wasn't fazed by it, so I assumed it was the Market Day norm. Germany in general is a lovely place, and I'm quite enamored with the South and its people. I'd live there yesterday if I

I'd never presume to say what the overall best choice would be, but for me, no kids is the way. I have two stepsons, and while they are cool kids, I do not generally like children. Actually, "generally" doesn't quite cut it. I can't bloody stand 99% of the children I encounter, but this is just my life choice and I'd

Courthouse Elopement, and it was the best :D

I love Shepherds. Had them my whole life and they are the bestest doggies ever.

I'm so excited about this! I told everyone I saw today. Granted, wasn't many people, but it was more than one, and that's more people who now know about the awesome that is Ms. Cox! :D

WoD is testing mine, too! I ended at Cataclysm like you, but avoided UBRS from vanilla on. I had several friends who were much more hardcore WoWers than I was, and they cautioned me to avoid it. I was always a casual player, so while the really hard dungeons were appealing to me in a way, I didn't want to put the

These look neat. I stopped playing WoW shortly after Cataclysm, and now I want to go back :P

Yep, DEET eternally. Fuck off, naysayers. I would DRINK that shit to avoid those little suck-fuckers if it wouldn't kill me.

Holy shit, this is a lot to do to your face. What the time does someone have to get up in the morning to accomplish all of this?

Oh, no, I don't plan to engage her at all. I steer clear of trolls, but it was kind of hard for me to recognize that they are one. That might just be a lack of reading comprehension on my part, though.

Am I missing something? I read this article, read that "popular" post, and didn't feel like the two matched up...