
Me, too!

There's definitely something to be said for keeping contrasting viewpoints around to keep your arguments strong and well-researched/fleshed-out. I draw the line at stupid abuse, though.

I have a friend (who identifies as a woman) who does this, too, and it drives me up a fucking wall.

I know, right? That's why I really like and make liberal use of the selective audience tool. You can exclude whom you wish from seeing what you want to share. It's awesome. Most of the people I'm 'friends' with can hang when it comes to stuff like this, even if they may see things differently (though I don't know how

I think I'm the only person in the developed world hasn't seen this show :P

I never had a chance to jump on the Sailor Moon ship and by the time I was aware of it, I felt like I was "too old" to watch it. I'm looking forward to watching the reboot!


Absinthe. Absinthe is the sex foreshadow.

OT, but Donkeys have the softest noses. I could just pet a Donkey nose all day. Back to your regular programming.

DEET! I love DEET. All the DEET, all the time. I live in it during mosquito season because I, too, am an all-you-can-eat buffet to those little sucknuggets. I hate them. Light them all on fire.

I have very bad feelings about what actually happened to that dog.

Good god, this was fantastic. I appreciate the hell out of it and I want everyone I know to read it. I'll be sharing this in all the ways I can.

I didn't know the Queen ran.

It looks like she's doing ...nothing. Am I missing the point? I think I'm missing the point.

I like the cut of your jib.

I call him that, too!!! Since day 1. LOVE Uncle Joe. Love love love.

I got a little rage-blind at that part.

My husband just revealed to me that he speaks Latin. LATIN. (Also, how did I not know this after 5 years? ...anyway.) So that's him: 3 languages, me: 1. He wins the Better Citizen of the World Award. This is why we can't have nice things. /lament

That's exactly what I did and it was THE BEST.

Yeah, I have no idea what is going on.