Oh god, Gabriel Byrne. That was my first exposure to him, I was really young, and I swear to god that it instilled a (subconscious) love of handsome European men with lovely accents.
I wanted to smack her so hard when she turned him down. And then he ended up with Amy. SHAME.
GAH. SO CUTE. They're like little bears with wings.
Right?! I LOVE that song!
Hear, hear!
I had a bit of an issue with that wording as well.
No. I did, too. SOCUTE
50 points to Gryffindor, and a big fat heart :D
Damn. My happy bubble just popped. Not your fault, you were awesome and did the research I was too lazy/tired/busy petting my cat to do. (In my defense, she's really fuzzy)
First off, I understand your fear. I was 22 before I had my first one, and I. was. PETRIFIED. I went to my local PP and the ladies there were so nice, non-judgemental and understanding and it was very much not a Big Deal like I thought it would be. The nurse there even said I could get my b/c without needing a PAP/PE.…
I've read that in a few places. I do get cardio from my weight-lifting. After a tough set, my heart is beating as fast as if I were on an elliptical, only, it's so much more satisfying for me.
My body loves the weights, loves the increased heart rate from lifting, and I love that deep burn from really good sets, but my body hates, HATES, hates cardio on a machine, cardio from walking, etc., etc. I get so bored I want to cry. My husband suggested taking walks and I was like "I'm sorry, I can't hear you over…
I thought it was mostly funny
You'd think.
Damn, you beat me to it! I was all set to throw up the #firstworldproblems. *shakes fist*
Oh trust me, I know this. Truuuuuuuuuust me. *shifty eyes*
Hearted for your brutal honesty :D
"I wonder when politicians/lawmakers/religious zealots will get this through their fat heads."
If Isaiah Mustafa had been in that commercial, it would have been a lot better.