
Brilliant. Fucking BRILLIANT. And your wedding was LOVELY :D

Elopement for the win.

I read that to be "Jesus Wean" at first, and got excited, thinking they were finally coming 'round to the idea of teaching people to think for themselves. Disappoint.

Bless the sink!

This is because you're thinking with logical patterns. You can't do that with those crazies.

Lace? Why not?

I disagree. I feel like it's the same thing as saying pretty underwear is only for women with gorgeous breasts and perfect asses. It's not. Funderwear is for anyone who's game to wear it.

Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think some of those man thongs are lovely, and I'd love to get some for my husband. I don't think it's weird to want to buy my husband pretty undies. Why should I get to have all the fun, and if he's down for it, what's the problem? I'm all for people wearing whatever kind of

Fuck you, Michigan. I adopted you after I got married and moved here, and then you hand me THIS?! Isn't it bad enough that Syder is a jackwagon of piddling intelligence and political savvy? You can go to hell.

TEDTalks for the WIN. Watched one on television and the human conscience today. Brilliant.

My cat has extra toes too! I nicknamed her the 6-toed Wonder Cat (her actual name is Mushi). Her feets are white, so it looks like she has mittens! *squee!*

I love where you live right now. I swear like a FIEND. Have for a long time. I consider it part of my personality and I don't give a fuck who doesn't like it.

There are some men who develop gynecomastia. Straight up, no joking breasts. I'd love to see what a judge said about those boobs, as opposed to mine. It's a medical issue, yes, but they're still breasts. I have a feeling that they'd be cleared for toplessness on beaches.

High-five to that Rabbi.

I personally liked it when Ghost-Jesus said "Dude, I'm dead, you're a medium, I'll always be near you" or whatever it was.

I dislike PETA immensely, too, but if that practice is true, I just got real fucking sad for chickens and turkeys.

Glad I wasn't the only one who went "Princess Grace!!"

I hear babies are tasty.

First Fluid's ad, now this? What, is abuse the sparkly new media tactic? Who the hell thought these were good ideas?! This is offensive and trivializing something very real, painful and traumatic.