
Funny thing is, I half agree with you. And don't call me a liar - it's an opinion.

It's the fact it looks worse on the One/PS4 than certain last-gen games that has really shocked me.

Cider? With no alcohol content? What is this madness?

Without actually watching this, I'm gonna throw a guess out there that 'Assassins Fist' (terrible title, by the way) is horribly acted and cheesy as fuck. I'm also gonna throw another guess out there: there isn't an assassin in this.

I pretty much agree. I honestly don't get how people can let these...urrrgghh...'trolls' actually get to them. Maybe I'm just too cynical to understand, maybe it's because I've always kept my real life as far away from the internet as possible, but I just don't get it. People have been arrested over here in the UK for

The visuals are the only reason I like that film. Honestly, I know it's deemed as a classic piece of anime, but I I think it's...pretty boring. It's astonishing to watch though. And even though I'm not against some sort of adaptation, I just don't see the point considering that they'd never be able to replicate how

Oh, I pretty much agree completely.

I would have absolutely no problem seeing an adaptation of Akira set in the west with western actors. Zero problem. I have no idea why it was such a big deal for people when the American adaptation was in development.

I...kind of agree. I actually regret buying it to be honest. I have this feeling in the gut of my stomach I've got a new Saturn/Dreamcast under my tv with the Xbox One. And don't get me started on the sheer and utter pointlessness of Kinect.

"Titanfall was lame, didn't like the lame controls of lameness. But I did put a good 30 hours into Titanfall."

The vast majority of these 'parkour' videos you see aren't - and most don't claim to be - demonstrations of parkour. It's free-running. Parkour, like you said, is about efficiency. Free-running is an offshoot that puts the emphasis on, I dunno, flips and trying to look cool? The two terms seem to be used

As a huge Street Fighter fan and a life long Martial Arts movie fan...I agree, this looks bad. And that title, 'Assassins Fist'...urgghh.

Haha, the amount of people who've never heard someone pronounce it as an acronym genuinely shocks me.

Round my way no one has ever pronounced it as S-N-E-S.

Every single person I've ever known talk about the Nes/Snes has pronounced them Nez and Snez. It's probably an British thing.

Huh...slow motion? Check. Speed ramping? Check. Terrible acting? Check. Over-seriousness? Check. DRAMATIC!? Check. Trying so, so hard to be cool? Check.

What a strange statement.

It's why 'True Detective' ended up being so special - nearly all American shows are producer led, but the director and writer ran that gig and it shows.

I tend to not let fanboy-ism bother me that much. I like to presume that the people sticking up for a product/purchase in the console wars are just kids. Kids sticking up for the only console they're gonna own for next few years. I was one of those kids during the Mega Drive/Snes console war (which, I'm gonna let you

I'm not exactly sure if this game is gonna be actually worth copping an Xbox One for, but I'm definitely using it as my excuse to buy one.