
Just don't tweet.

Yeah but you don't need to talk about it the day the dude dies

It’s weird to realize that Mount Everest is now basically a fantasy camp so your 60-year-old orthodontist can have a great Instagram photo.

The Death Zone” is what we now call the period from 1/20/2017 to present.

Exactly.  Everest has become Coachella.

I’m not sure about the relative quality of the Nepalese judicial system, but I’m guessing even there you can’t sue a mountain.

It’s actually a peninsula.

Why should he let facts get in the way of making someone’s death all about him?

Dude's a doctor.  Not a necromancer.

He died doing what he loved: experiencing hypothermia and pulmonary edema, confused, unable to breathe, feeling his pulse plummeting, and falling down in a place where his body may never be recovered. But on the other hand, he did put a lot of other people’s lives at risk in the process. So there’s that. 

Phsaw. All the zones have names like that in the Galaxy of Terror.

LBJ’s death comes with unexpected guilt. The guilt of 58-year-old me, who thanks in part to his error (it’s RFK & Hubert Humphrey too) got his only legitimate presidential victory (60, 68, 72). Rest In Peace, Lyndon. I’m sorry my joy came with your pain.

I spent 30 minutes in line at a street festival in 70 degree weather to pay $8 for an award winning tamale yesterday and got a little sunburned, so I know how they feel.

I will leave a grocery store if the lines are too long.

It turns out people spending more time in “the death zone” is leading to more deaths. No one could have seen this coming...

I imagine part of the allure of climbing Everest was not just it being the highest point on Earth yet the now antiquated belief that so few people could actually do it.

“Accident” implies lack of intent, not inevitability. Unless you are suggesting the child was trying to hit the other car, then accident is a perfectly valid word to use.

This is just not correct at all. We don’t call a late hit or studs up challenge accidents because they are intentional acts. The player who commits them likely did not intend to cause an injury, but they made the decision to commit the act. Most auto collisions are not intentional acts. They may be a result on

How much you want to bet the teenager was texting and driving?

Nothing says “cosmic significance” like dying because some 16 year old was texting or whatever.