
The French, I think, get a bad wrap based on an OLD stereotype. Hell, I went to Paris and some other cities on a HS Europe trip in 1998 or so. We would travel around the city as a (relatively well behaved) group of 17-18 year olds, and had no issues with the locals.

Man.  I would have flung something at that fucker and walked out.

I (used to) speak German close to fluently and it got really good when I studied abroad. And yet, the most useful phrase I had in my pocket was “slower please”. Between regional dialects, accents, and slang, people everywhere understand if you are having trouble speaking or understanding, as long as you are not a dick.

My thing is: If you live in the US in the 21st century, you have probably encountered enough Spanish (and Portugese is similar enough, particularly in pronunciation) that you should be fine trying to order in the native language. I don’t mean that you could communicate in general, but food should be relatively easy.

It’s not the studies that are bullshit, usually. It’s the articles about the studies that do nothing to put them in context.

Literally everything delicious or fun increases the chance that you will die of a heart attack or stroke at 60-80 or whatever. But that’s preferrable to dying of pneumonia at 115 after 30 years of dementia or whatever.

You’re what’s wrong with this country.

“Americans use food as proxy for realness.”

So this guy is just a disgusting monster with bad opinions.  Why is he worthy of an article?

Yes, “chefs” making fucking cold cut sandwiches.

Also, why are we pretending like the opinion of some shithead who makes basic sandwiches in fucking London matters even a little bit?

Nah.  USC is the stated victim of the fraud.

I’m a bit older than you based on this comment. So your explanation for your moronic comment is is bullshit. You just spouted some shit without knowing what you were talking about. Own up to it.

“Its expiration date was the same date we were planning to eat it, so obviously, my hackles went up.”

I mean.  If you think a scrambled egg is just a broken over easy egg then, yeah, you’ve never had properly prepared scrambled eggs.

That’s my exact ranking.

I just realized I am frequenting a website where ALL 3 regular writers rank gross-ass cool ranch above nacho cheese doritos.

I saw a box of salt labeled gluten free.  I wanted to punch everything.

I don’t know who that is or what that has to do with my comment.

Ok.  That is not a brown jambalaya, which is what this whole article is about.