
I love all of you people proving everything about this.

You’re doing a bang-up job of proving this article correct.

““We find that as extremity of opposition to and concern about genetically modified foods increases, objective knowledge about science and genetics decreases, but perceived understanding of genetically modified foods increases.””

It’s not “child haters”.  It’s “entitled dipshits who think their ability to reproduce should be everyone else’s problem haters”.

You’re the exact kind of person who thinks of themselves as fundamentally decent and are dead fucking wrong.  My God, you’re an asshole.

Are you being intentionally obtuse or is your reading comprehension that fucking bad.  The implication is 100% obvious that they are taking a non-kid excursion to a tapas place.  High and Tight already cleared spelled out why.  Christ.

Nah.  She carries the car seat everywhere to make sure people know she deserves special treatment for making a choice most humans make at some point.

Having kids is not magic. The fact that she had kids was 100% immaterial to her question, other than she thinks it makes her special or important or that having kids is a catchall excuse for her friends being late or why she should get special treatment.

“Whatever makes them late is none of my business “

I would think even if you were perfect at it, you would break the yolk like half the time.

I’m always confused that horse meat is cheaper than cheap beef.

Singing happy birthday is a million times worse. The only place I go that does that is a pretty good Mexican spot near one of my firm’s offices (suburban), which has few reasonably decent food options nearby.

“wait until you see a public proposal”

If this is real, this is an amazing story.  If you ever go on Jeopardy, you’ve got your anecdote.

“Any more so than when the wait staff at a restaurant comes to sing happy birthday to someone?”

Are you kidding? I would be completely happy to gawk at some idiot who chose a public proposal and got a “no”.

Also worth noting:  There were like 4 black people and about 50 of these little shits.  Acting like they were reacting to some threatening situation is absurd.

Read the whole comment, homey.

Did all you people miss the second paragraph of my comment?

THAT PHOTO IS FROM 2012.  She was supposedly 27 in that fucking picture?  Bull.  Shit.  She looks older my 50 year old cousin.