
There can be only one.

Angus McFayden, High Priest of the Tetra Grammaton? Nice. I think he’d make an excellent Jor-El

I hear it requires blood just to appease the ghost of George H. Heilmeier.

Oh... I see I'm not the only one thinking that.

The natural consequence of decades long exaltation of an ideology that puts profits over people.

Ironically, that's probably what made it worse. When my dad was home more often, he was a big asshole. I was thrilled when he had to work.

Wasn’t Love & Thunder’s codename The Big Salad?

What I’m expecting is that at some point they’ll have to make some kind of epic “return” to the city for hopefully not a relatively insignificant portion of the movie.

A period piece panther film would actually be amazing, especially if they were willing to give us some Panther vs the Klan action. 

Oh yeah, the whole leadership needs be fired. There’s no absolutely excuse for what happened. On top of the riot itself, one of their people died because they didn’t think anything was going to happen and didn’t bother with anything but the most basic preparations. 

That’s how you get the fucking stupid “James Bond is a code name” fan theory.

This is probably why they had Boba take off as a plot device. He and Luke in the same room would be...awkward.

It is for me!

Now playing

The BBC-TV version of HHGTTG was my first exposure to Douglas Adams, so maybe I’m looking at it through a haze of nostalgia... but I still think it’s one of the better versions out there. Of course you have to put up with community-theater-level costumes and dodgy special effects, but that’s all part of the charm.

Doesn’t he realize he’s been infected with the black oil?

perfect example here.   i was about to post Maya 3D

Bob. Johnson.

As much as I want to believe in the axiom that “violence never solves everything,” there is a definite subset of the population for whom a good ass kicking is the only way they’ll ever learn.