
So long as it’s not another Intersect, which was a waste of time, and was also set at Miskatonic University.

I thought that thing looked familiar! I almost thought “Re-Animator”! Thanks for posting that. I almost forgot the movie’s title, even though I watched Brandon’s Cult Movie Review for it 3 times.

I’ve said this elsewhere, but while George will always be my biggest hero, I don’t believe a word he says regarding “what he had planned” for any of the Star Wars movies. Depending on which interview you read he’s claimed Star Wars was always planned as 9 episodes, or 6, or maybe it was just the original three.

or light speed vs. ludicrous speed!

Hmm, if Alison Sudol is OK too, I would be down for a Jacob and Queenie movie.

That dude’s an unsung champ of these movies.

Now playing

Back then, all the best toy chests* were full of Mainway toys.

I mean, resistance was blatantly made for kids, so they were not aiming real high with that show. It did have a lot of potential that was wasted, however.

I’m hopeful for a Solo sequel, it honestly was pretty good and they were setting up some interesting things with *spoiler* that I want to see. they were clearly setting it up as an indiana jones in space sort of thing which could be fun.

Now playing

If Trump flees the country, expect a headline sometime in the next year of “Trump suddenly dies!”

Water rockets have a following in the amateur rocket community. Some of them are pretty amazing, reaching heights of over 1000'. The rockets, that is. The members of the rocket community are all pretty much under 6.5'.

This.  Lucas has a tendency to self-mythologize, especially from the ‘90s onward, so it’s best to take anything he says with a grain of salt.

I have steak at Thanksgiving. Because I love steak.

If libertarians were capable of realizing when they and their beliefs were being satirized, they wouldn’t be libertarians.

I had not heard that and you’re absolutely right, that makes no sense. I can’t even imagine what kinds of voter fraud and suppression we’re going to see as the election cycle really heats up over the next few weeks. Republicans who plan shit like this are evil but also thankfully (for the most part) stupid so it

Yes, which is why it is crucial that Biden not only wins, but runs up the score. If he wins by 5% or more in states like PA and WI, it will be impossible for the state legislatures to try to claim voter fraud and appoint Republican electors. Even better if Biden flips some of the states like FL and OH and gets well

And they just let him go on believing that by saying, “OK, boss!” and doing nothing.

My initial reaction is A. It’s a con. I’d bet cash money that he isn’t infected. Claiming he has COVID will allow him to avoid any further debates and, he hopes, will gain him some sympathy votes and show him as a big, strong leader man when he “recovers”.

Bulk, off brand red vines it looks like, the kind that aren’t even trying not to taste like carnuba wax.