
Canonically Bond is half “Scottish,” half “Swiss,” so Rege(can’t do the accent mark)-Jean Page could pull it off.

GWB was at least capable of surrounding himself with extremely competent, intelligent, if evil, people to run things. Trump, if he even filled positions at all, used the dumbest, most incompetent people possible (still evil though).

I don’t think Cassian ever suspected or found out what the components he was building were for. I think it’s supposed to be ironic.

But the payoff was fantastic.

Conventionally attractive in the same way as a stripper working the Tuesday afternoon shift.

Because it distracts from the fact that they aren’t doing jack shit to actually address real problems.

All Tom Cruise had to do was stand next to David Miscavige.

Now playing

No, next time you get pulled over, do this:

Where I live, unless the Catholic school has a lot of wealthy parents, it’s far more likely to have shittier stuff. Old textbooks, hand-me-down computers and equipment, etc. I went to one in a fairly middle-class neighborhood and even our stuff was crap compared to the public school in the same part of town.

Worse, Catholic Preschool. Massive amount of Catholics in the Omaha area. There are almost as many Catholic schools as public. In some old parts of the city you’ll have 5 churches within just a few blocks because i the early 1900's each new immigrant group demanded their own parish. I’m not making up that when the new

Ironically the current governor ran on stopping abortion to literally—I’m not fucking making this up—help bolster the workforce.

Not to induce any sense of “hope” here, but my thoughts are that this bill will be absolutely destroyed in the courts (more on that in a sec) and the votes here were just for people to show their allegiance to one side or the other.

My state senator (Mike McDonnell, a “democrat” in name only) who voted for it is term limited, so he’s out next year regardless.

I got a sticker from ACLU Nebraska sometime near the beginning of The Year of Chaos that says “Nebraska, Honestly It Should be for Everyone” (over a rainbow of the state) that I’ve had on my car ever since.

Classy gents drink bourbon while sharpening their knives.

With the amount of guns their family likely owns, there’s a near 100% chance that’s what he does all day.

I guess that means either god loves me or I’m having a dangerous side effect from my Lexapro...

You saying adults can’t be creepy?

I haven’t gotten over a Greedo shooting first, why should I get over that?

True. Attack of the Clones on the other hand...