"I think Lily is so smart and unique. She's a woman but she's mostly just gets to be a person on that show. There are so few TV characters that are female and just A PERSON."
"I think Lily is so smart and unique. She's a woman but she's mostly just gets to be a person on that show. There are so few TV characters that are female and just A PERSON."
Kind of begs the question, did she get dressed like that when she saw the news crew or was she already spending her day as a unicorn in a tutu?
I commend Mr. Williams for his ability to appear completely unfazed by this incident...this happen a lot in Florida?
It's been done, but better: http://gawker.com/5955762/the-sh…
am I the only one who was super underwhelmed by frozen?
#titsintights has me DYING!!!
I'm a pantry cook & I do not feel as though it would be safe for me to be wearing gloves all the time...I have to do lots of very high-speed slicing & dicing & I would not feel safe putting a glove on my right hand (the one I use to hold my knife.) I want to have a very secure grip on my knife at all times.
That's quite presumptuous of you. Maybe I should have given better context. I work in a smaller police department, there are 75 officers total. I know every single one of them. They have their faults, and I never said they didn't act like bullies at times. I said that I could never imagine them acting in this way…
The stories I'm referring to are when they do something beyond the call of duty. For example, taking hours out of their personal time to volunteer to protect a parade (they are not paid RT or OT for this). Or helping to dig people out of a blizzard. Staying overtime (without being paid) to comfort a family member…
Must brag- I directed a FANTASTIC Purim Spiel tonight! My cast of kids and adults did an amazing job and I got to wear a fab, poufy, princess dress in my "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" costume!
So I was thinking, we should have a Jezebel matchmaking service through commenters for those who are looking for relationships. Gonna sound like an asshole here, but I'm so sick of guys who aren't feminists, or who are intimidated by my intelligence. I just want someone to watch Game of Thrones with and bitch about…
My son vomited a metric FUCKton of milk back at me after breastfeeding today and I'm like, "Shit, kid just pulled a Lady Gaga on me." It's even more appropriate since he went to his first SXSW show yesterday. Baby Hipster.
Personal experience......If you know someone who is having a difficult time, try to make time to ask if they are okay. Even if you are done with them, think they are drinking too much, isolating themselves, think they take too much energy or million of reasons you are avoiding them; call, go see, reach out, send…
My first pregnant St. Patty's Day, I was driving home from work at about 5pm. A truck overflowing with drunken bros pulled up next to me at a stoplight. They began "woo!-ing" and crudely gesturing at me. When I didn't respond, they spun their tires, took off at high rate of speed, lost control, jumped a curb, hit a…
Now, let's get Matthew McConaughey to play an uptight wedding planner who falls for Jennifer Lopez as a successful, charming doctor. Will he FINALLY get to be the groom himself?
Dear Mindy,
Mindy's parents were never famous or connected like all of those people you listed. I mean don't get me wrong, "privilege," absolutely, but I don't see how she had "good connections" in the way that all of those others did.
"I have to surround myself with white dudes so white people will watch my show. Just like any other show."—Honest!Mindy
I'm a fucking Indian woman also, but it doesn't mean I don't think about ways to challenge people's notions of diversity. While I agree that a double-standard exists and no one person should be responsible for breaking all the barriers, I don't think it hurts to challenge onesself to keep pushing boundaries.