
*reaches out to tickle Anthony Mackie*

The picture looks cute as shit and not even vaguely scandalous. What's the big fucking deal?

My husband's work randomly has some GD t shirts, and when he brought one home, our son, who was a toddler, decided to wear it around the house and dub it "his karate outfit."

Isn't there something more useful to bitch about? So much hate in these threads. It's a bit much.

I will never understand all the Kardashian hate. They aren't super talented in the traditional Hollywood way, but neither is the majority of the population. Like they star in a reality show (they even did an episode discussing the history of black face and why it's problematic!) and pick out items for clothing

So, here's my question: if this photo, with these dresses (which are cute, by the way) were part of the children's clothing line of someone people at Jezebel are allowed to like, would we be seeing so much snark? I'm guessing not.

Those dresses in the picture are actually kid of cute and tasteful. Maybe the world is ending?

Just a thought: can we please stop calling these women's health clinics "abortion clinics"? They provide many more health services than abortions and I believe we help fan the anti-choice, anti-access to healthcare for women flames by using the term that those in opposition have chosen to use as a way to incite the

If you're wealthy, yeah, San Fran is an awesome place.

I had to deal with some of these fuckers when they came to my campus on Wednesday, showing off pictures of dead fetuses. They screamed at me, and came uncomfortably close. They also told me my parent's interracial and interfaith marriage was going to go to hell. And that I dishonored them for being gay. So I made a

Margaret Atwood was right. "Men are afraid women will laugh at them; women are afraid men will kill them."

"Bitch, black people always think I'm Ashton Kutcher."

Because you will find a decent person out there. I thought I was finished in my early 30s then an old friend came back into my life and we've now been married for 16 years.

Maine girl here to say: Bitch, please. We can dress your meat, cook it over an open flame in subzero temperatures in the middle of the woods, and do it while making Bean Boots look fine. Slow. That. Roll.

One...this is awesome.

Um... the vagina is only "purely sexual" in nature if you call menstruation sex. And giving birth sex.

Nipples and obscene gestures have no place amongst the brutally violent sport dedicated to family values.

Honestly, I think you made getting kicked in the balls sound a lot like period cramps