
Good ol G-Rod.  I honestly cannot believe he’s been in jail for half of his 14 year sentence.  I feel like G-Rod is skeevy enough to totally fit in with the Mango’s cabinet. He was the Chicago clown show.  Can’t we just have a normal week here in Chicago where we find a gator in a park and have a vigil for it?

Midway is way easier than O’Hare. And both airports are equally easy to get to via public transit. Midway is shaped like a Y with a food court in the center and significantly less busy than O’Hare. The only time O’Hare is a breeze is when you are flying from the international terminal. That’s a joy, but the domestic

Adam Kinzinger is the IL republican in question though.  We can’t claim Nikki Haley.

You are doing the lord’s work, Michael.  Never stop.  You had me at Parker Willoughby.

Has Ben Carson done anything except for take an extended nap for the last 2.5 years?  (Also, my fingers kept trying to type Has Been.. what does that say about my feelings for his Coonery?)

I miss Zodiac terribly. I never appreciated that man until he stopped watching the Lions and got a non-football life.

I’ve never been prouder than when I flew ORD to PTY (nonstop) and didn’t take a trip to the toilet. That was a touch under 5 hours, and they fed me an actual breakfast on Copa. But man, the speedwalk to the ladies room at Tocumen was real!

What has Trump done for the economy other than ride the Obama recovery’s coattails and start a trade war to alienate his farmer base? 

I love a pink lipstick. But not, barbie pink. That shit looks horrible on me. But I love a bold, hot pink lipstick. My go to is red though. I have a red lipstick problem and have 10 tubes that are maybe half a shade different from each other.   I really like the color they sent you, siren. That’s kind of a nude on my

I find it hilarious and sad that he fired his own pollsters for not being able to give him the fake results he wanted.  Poor sad orange pustule..

I marched in the Chicago Pride parade for Roosevelt University one year.  It was great fun and it did not turn me into a lesbian at all. 

Wasn’t that Davos who suggested that? Said it was empty and they could have it?

Rowdy Poddy Pipe her! I can’t even. But I still want to know what he did to those girls in the brothel to get them to give back the payment.

I would legit hang out with these guys.  The chicken looks mean though.

If you are gonna lie about it, at least try to make it believable.. She could have said 45 or something so we don’t all sit here in our cubicles trying to hide our giggles from our collective bosses..

To not ungray the asshole who commented.  I started grad school in 06, but I was born in 1977.  So I was vaccinated as a kid, but with one dose as was typical back then.  So, eat a bag of dicks.

I got an MMR in 06 when I started grad school. But honestly, any time someone asks if I’m current on my boosters and wantnot I just tell that person to shoot me up full of whatever inoculations they want to give me. If white people want to die of perfectly curable diseases, that’s on them.

My company pays for a gym membership in the building’s gym here in Chicago, and I used to take the noon class. I was the only black person in the class (I have since stopped because I do not like how the new teacher for the noon class teaches the class. She’s a lovely person though. I’m just not down with her flow).

I only had no issue with her once I switched into the Amazon armor, which is my back up armor and the only other set I keep maxed out.  At this point though, I’m going to have to relearn all the moves since I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for the last several months.  But I assume it’ll be like riding a bike. 

I’ll keep that in mind.  I do enjoy the long game of hanging out in bushes and killing people in the stealthiest manner possible. I don’t like getting in an out and out fight.