
I bought a bottle of shampoo and conditioner the other day that noted that it was gluten free. Why is that a thing? Can one absorb it through their scalps??

He’d be all “I’m tired of all these motherfucking people rubbing my motherfucking lamp asking for motherfucking wishes!”

I’m a second child. I was always the overachieving smart one. But I’m also not, and never will be, a boy.

Well, since I am going to visit the fam this weekend, I will not be playing Dreamfall Chapters. I will play Uncharted 2. I started a game of that at my parents house back on Memorial Day Weekend (because MamaMojito is a gamer too and has a freaking back up console in my brother’s former bedroom for when my father is

Offically my lunch hour is 1pm at my job. But often times I go to the gym and take a class because for all intents and purposes no one in the office cares as long as someone is around to cover the phones adequately. Sometimes at noon, sometimes at 1. So in theory I am eating lunch at my desk as late as 2 pm. I get

I often walk for exercise around my neighborhood. The only thing I take other than my phone for music is the back door key so I can get back into my condo. I will say that cops in Chicago have a lot of problems, but I’ve never seen one bust anyone for the blatant jaywalking everyone does here.  

He looks snuggly.

I’m playing Dreamfall Chapters. Which, along with the Witcher series is only the second game I’ve played on three different platforms (PC, XBox, PS4).

That’s.. quite a visual. Cannot mentally unsee..

Penny Dreadful was a planned three season thing. I was mad as hell at that. Showtime wanted it to go longer but the creator had a set arc in mind.

I feel like I learned something new today. I had zero idea there was a SAG strike going on.

T-Rump tweets from an Android. The iPhone belongs to some underling. The iPhone tweets are much more coherent and never use the word bigly.

This. My page is my page and it is friends only for a reason.

Right? Not only that - she was never a normal person! Her parents are famous people too! She has lived her whole life on a station above. It’s not like she was Katie Holmes in Ohio shopping at suburban shopping malls with the rest of us as kids.

Is it wrong if I want to say “Fuck Donald Trump with a rusty chainsaw”? Because I want to say “Fuck Donald Trump with a rusty chainsaw”. He makes me viscerally angry.

The sad thing is that Trump wouldn’t eat the steak in the picture since it’s not well done and covered in ketchup.

We can be friends. God forbid if you have a long torso.

Rompers don’t belong on anyone of any gender over the age of 3. Fight me on it, commentariat!

Sure. Thanks for mansplaning tits to me, bro.