
I finished my Uncharted 1-4 ps4 playthroughs. Now, I’m back to the siren song of Victorian England and Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. I enjoy Victorian England way more than any woman probably should.  But IDGAF. I also only ever play with Evie unless they force me to play with Jacob. But this weekend I’m going to see

I’m going to have to work until I die. Living the check to check existence I do. *weeps internally*. But hey, in 19 years the house will be paid off so at least I won’t be homeless!

But..every president in the history of ever is very active and has lots of things happening. He sure has no problem tweeting bullshit. He can’t send an email or group text to his minions? Christ. This man makes me viscerally angry.

Right? Pretty, but a pain in the ass. I am too messy for that shit. And I’m a bit of a messy cook! A good cook, but messy.

If I had the money to upgrade my counters I’d get quartz. Maintenance free and there is one that is sparkly (I love sparkle.. I’m like a magpie when it comes to shinies) . Spill all your red wine.. Cleans up easy!

I have resting bitch face so the kiosk ladies at the North Bridge leave me alone.

New York & Company is a good place for a suit if you are 00 to 20. I do find that sometimes they have issues with the jackets being tight in the arms. But I’ve also gotten jackets there that fit just fine in the arms. They usually have sales and coupons to make everything super cheap.

You totally forgot the Granite counter tops. Or my personal favorite, a white kitchen. I can’t imagine anything harder to keep clean than an all white cabinet kitchen with white Granite counters.. Ugh.

My last flight was on Copa to Panama. My next flight is on Copa to Costa Rica. I purposely avoided all the domestic airlines for these flights. Also, the Copa flight to Panama was direct so that was a no brainer. Can’t get anything direct from ORD to SJO, but at this point I’ll be damned if I give money to UA, AA or

I didn’t go to my undergrad graduation at Purdue in ‘99, but I did get my Masters at Roosevelt in 09 and my diploma was indeed given to me on stage. Go figure. I distinctly remember Purdue didn’t mail my diploma though - they sent it via UPS. Not sure why. I’m assuming they wanted to spend the last dregs of my

No, no they can’t. It’s like her tits are incorrectly placed on her pectoral muscles. Maybe she just got a really shitty boob job. But even those 1950's bullet bras didn’t physically move the breasts to such an odd position.

I drink wine and play video games slightly drunk. Makes scaling cliffs/killing bandits/backstabbing targets that much more interesting.  

As a person living in Illinois, I just took it for granted that getting paid for unused vacation was a thing. When I got laid off I got a wee tiny severance and paid for all my unused vacation and sick days. But now I know I live in a labor friendly communist utopia.

I’ve purchased some really expensive bras in my day as a human being with breasts. None of them ever made them do that. That’s not how bras work. These just seem to be placed incorrectly on the chest.

Nothing like the gross taste of fondant to ruin a perfectly good cake. Maybe the baker put a layer of buttercream under the fondant so you can peel it off and eat cake with actual edible frosting.

I just got done playing Uncharted 1, 2 and 3 (the remastered PS4 edition), so now I decided to just play Uncharted 4 again. Still a pretty game.. So then next week I can start on something else. Maybe Horizon Zero Dawn on a harder difficulty.

Tearblast arrows for life. I liked the slingshots as well. I used to target them from on high and hit them with the sticky bombs.

But it was so satisfying to finally be able to beat a Thunderjaw. I was all “take that you giant missle shooting robot dionsaur! Suck it”

This. My last two flights were on Copa. I could have taken a domestic airline but at this point I’d rather gnaw my own hand off at the wrist. Also , those two flights on Copa were cheaper than the domestic airlines were to either destination.

Peeling garlic - place it on your cutting board. Take the flat edge of the knife and place it on top of the garlic. Hit flat edge with your palm. Smashes the garlic and the skin comes off easy peasy. Then go to IKEA and get yourself a garlic press.