I bet Chicago could make this happen. We have a freakin bacon fest after all.. Why not fries?
I bet Chicago could make this happen. We have a freakin bacon fest after all.. Why not fries?
I...I like a team from the Axis of Evil.. Notre Dame. But to be fair, I am from NW Indiana originally and they were the closest college team to my hometown. I’ve liked them since I was a wee tiny adorable alcohol-free MangoMojito. I still have issues when ND plays my Alma Mater (Purdue - for the record... I usually…
This makes my brain ache and my heart hurt. I turned 18 in 1995. I’ve lead a pretty middle class life and always had access to voting. I’ve voted in every election since then. Even the shitty “Its February in Chicago and a primary where only one democrat is on the ballot” elections. Why is something that is my right…
I too, found it surprising. Although, in the 80s in Indiana my Dad used to be able to find it at the hole in the wall grocery store between Michigan City and LaPorte, IN. But then they changed ownership and stopped carrying scrapple.
So Utah crime spree.. Drinking in public after midnight?
I thought one of the western states still had firing squad on the books as a valid method of execution until fairly recently. I can’t remember which one it was. Old age is killing a broad.
My cat is an asshole who doesn’t like boxes or grocery bags at all. She does love to sit on my pjs or my coat if I leave either of them sitting on the bed. I’m assuming because they smell like me. I was going to post a picture but kinja is being an asshole today and won’t let me attach one.
I... what? Have you considered cutting your brother loose (I mean, telling him to find his own damn place)? Nothing makes a person grow up like having to fend for themselves. I mean, its all fun and games until you run out of toilet paper and are wiping your ass with your hand.
My dad, every time he goes back to Pennsylvania, gets a ton of scrapple and puts it in a cooler with a bunch of ice packs and carts it back to Indiana.
I went to prom in 1994 (my junior year..didn’t bother with senior year.. by then I was DGAF about the whole high school experience). We had no rules about dresses. You could go with someone as long as they had graduated within 3 years. Or you could go solo. I did. I danced to Jump Around with Brad Rose and Wesley…
Can we tell this to my husband? He left his ballot for president blank rather than vote for Hillary. We live in IL so it didn’t matter, but the fact that he left his ballot blank really bothers me. He was so worried about Hillary starting a war that he didn’t think it might be the orange overlord who would start the…
I’m finishing up a run through on the Witcher 3 on the Blood and Broken Bones difficulty. I’m also going to bake a cake with mango cream cheese filling to celebrate said completion. Okay, so the cake is just because I like to bake. I think I might go back to Horizon Zero Dawn and play it on a harder difficulty when…
Elections have consequences.. tell that to all the republicans who obstructed all of Barack Obama’s legislation for most of his presidency. Consequences my ass.
But, he’s so pretty. I’m okay with him being not very bright. As long as he doesn’t delve into some weird christian fundie racist hate speech, we’re good.
Honestly, this is the kind of guy who probably has a Gimp chained up in his basement. Or worse.
I actually think most people who don’t want kids are the opposite of selfish - I think people do not realize how much thought we put into NOT having children. There are so many kids in foster care just languishing No need to bring more children into the world.
I often say to people that children are for people who like kids. I am not and never will be one of those people. And if that makes me selfish, so be it. but I don’t think a kid should be saddled with a parent who spends time possibly resenting having them. But really, why do people effing care if you have kids or…
I’m glad I’m not the only one who was looking for a hidden Pennywise the clown or something in the dress!
Oh, 98% of the time I have my earbuds in and am simultaneously reading a book at the same time.. but there is that 2% of the time when I hear some bullshit.
Yeah, it is.. bad. I saw a lime green Dodge charger the other day. I cringed. But I was on a CTA bus so I couldn’t whip out my phone in time to snap a pic of that atrocity.