Well, I’m an old... but I do ride public transit. I hear all kinds of foolishness.
I hear all sorts of people here in Chicago dropping it too. Drives me nuts.
Are you me? I too, am 40 married and w/o kids. I knew when I was a kid I didn’t want kids either.
That movie made me lose all faith in my ability to suspend my disbelief. Never have I been so disappointed in a movie.. And that includes the Star Wars prequels.
I don’t have roaches, thank Jeebus. And my PS4 is on top of my wood radiator cover (yes yes heat but it’s not actually directly over the radiator - the cover goes the length of the windows in my living room and the console is not above the radiator bits). Anyhow, my cat loves the damn PS4. She snuggles up right next…
I don’t even think T-Rump cares if what he is doing is good for the country as long as it obliterates anything Obama did. This clown makes me viscerally angry.
+1 for working the word craven into that response.
I knew a guy in HS whose dad had a baseball card collection. It was just sitting up in the attic when his grandparents decided to clean up the attic. Anyhow, the collection included a Joe DiMaggio rookie card which his grandmother summarily tossed. Needless to say, said HS friend’s dad was devastated.
I’ve only ever seen this as blue and black and I am a lark by default I guess. I’m up every day by 6 am regardless of whether I want to be or not. I’m kind of a terrible sleeper though. I’m lucky if I stay asleep all night. I’m generally asleep by 11 pm.
I can’t.. I just died a little. So wrong. But I giggled so much.
This post makes my boobs hurt. So many suits that will not even cover a full tit. Even as a moderately endowed person, I need full coverage support wherein my boobs are gently cupped and supported with a soft cup at the least.
You shut your dirty mouth about capers! They are delicious! You can also use your measuring spoons to scoop them out.
My sister and I grew up listening to all kinds of music. One day (back when places like National Record Mart and Record town existed in malls) she bought a tape.. might have been Anthrax... but it was something metal.. Anyhow, the cashier asked if it was a gift. But my sister was always so chill and just explained…
I’m glad I’m not the only person who really dislikes Yennifer. She makes me want to claw my own face off. she is so abrasive. To me it’s like she is purposefully prickly just because she has something to prove. She’s ridiculously pretty though, but I prefer Triss.
I found all the Vantages. I thought they added a nice little “the world as we know it is going to shit” rememberance that helped Aloy relate with the Old Ones.
I was a young child in the 80s and a teenager in the 90s.. so back then. Mostly because you could act a fool without it ending up on the internet.
I work for a tour company so I get to travel for free on any of our trips (including the airfare!). So give me a raise.
I like doing laundry. I really, with the passion of 10,000 exploding suns, hate washing dishes. Laundry I can put into the washer and go watch 40 minutes of tv or something. Dishes.. well, there is no TV in my kitchen and my hands get all gross even with gloves.
My cat can differentiate the sound of me coming up the stairs vs my husband coming up the stairs. She waits by whichever door I am coming up to. She doesn’t wait for my husband. She likes him. She loves me.