I’m sadly, a morning person. What about flannet pj pants and an old t-shirt?
I’m sadly, a morning person. What about flannet pj pants and an old t-shirt?
I fully support this.
Can’t I go to bed hella early in a flannel nightgown? Can’t this one end in a tie?
My husband is one of these people. He’s shrunk several good tops and sweaters. I beg him to hang them up. But he always hangs up cheap ass Old Navy t-shirts thinking an $8 -t-shirt needs hanging and throws my cute little georgette blouse in the dryer to let it get mangled by the jeans. And he separates nothing. Jeans.…
I LOVE Ikea. LOVE IT. Once you realize you can go inside to the ring and cut to the areas you want to see and avoid the stuff you don’t it’s even more magical. Every time my in-laws come to town, I find a way to finagle them into taking us to Schaumburg (we do not, as city dwellers, have a car) so I can live my joy.
I tend to like to use that bow/arrow for mechanimals and the slingshots for people. People are so easy to kill in the game though. But it’s nice to get a group of them with the proximity bomb.
The funny thing is that I just meandered over there because I like to explore. I have all the shadow bows and maxed out concentration and I can just snipe and pick off things from afar. Took out a Thunderjaw by a windfarm from on top of a ridge. It couldn’t climb up the ridge.
Wire? I have a ton of wire(and metalburn, and metal vessels) I keep dropping! I need EcoShells for Terablast arrows. Terablast arrows are my best friends.
+1 for the Blur halftime song - it makes me realize that I’m 40, and therefore an old woman. I too, would never feel bad for Patriots fans if they never won another game in the history of ever. If the same thing happened to Green Bay I would kiss the man or woman who placed the hex.
Also.. props for the name poo javelin.
Right? I’m pretty much damned if I do and damned if I don’t.
I now cannot unsee a festering face anus where his mouth is. Well played.
I remember my dad, as a kid, refering to something his mother said to him which he referenced - “if you can’t lighten it, don’t darken it”. To this day I feel both not black enough around black people and too black around white people. It’s a weird feeling - not being “enough” but at the same time being “too much”. I…
So apparently the midwest is shitty. Save for Illinois. And Indiana, but I’m from Indiana. my gut instinct is to tell you to avoid Indiana too as it is a conservative hell hole (unless you are from the region, then it’s okay).
Still massive, every time I see it. Apparently that kind of giant chicken is really docile and make good chicken pets.
Every time I tame a Strider or a Broadhead or a Charger in Horizon Zero Dawn I treat it like a faithful companion until some stupid Glinthawk kills it. Stupid Glinthawks.
Rue 21, Forever 21 and Charlotte Russe all have plus sized bralettes. I’m also not in the big boob department. I have one bralette, but I only wear it at home.
It’s next on my list! I have been really flush with games lately. Rise of the Tomb Raider, WD2 and now Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m a bit of a completionist. So I try to milk as much out of a game as I can (and I’m fairly picky about the types of games I play - so I know I don’t have as much in my backlog as the average…
Squirrels can also carry leprosy. And the Plague.
I have this game. And it looks so damn pretty. Maybe I should pick up my pace on Watch Dogs 2.