
I’m still playing Watch Dogs 2. But instead of actually winning it (which I probably won’t do this weekend, though I could.. I’m about 75% done with the main story), I’ll fool around on it and get all the research points and key data and take all the ScoutX pictures and crap. I’m a completionist, and I just can’t help

I got all three endings. But my personal favorite is Ciri as the Witcher ending.

Wait what? How is he only four years older than me? Lord Jesus, he got some crap genes. Or maybe the weight of being a sanctimonious asshole is crushing him..

There are lots of people who still have AOL email addresses. I know this because I work in travel and speak to lots of retired people. But hey, at least they HAVE email addresses. I still speak to people who refuse to get email addresess at all.

This just makes me want to stop playing the game I’m currently playing (Watch Dogs 2) and play this game. I generally like to finish a game I start if I’m into it.. (and I’m enjoying WD2). But still y’all are giving me the feels.

T-Rump is trying to gaslight the entire country. And there are people who believe it. If he keeps saying it, it must be true, and everything you thought you believed was a lie. I hate this orange assclown so much. Every time I see him on TV I have a visceral reaction.

I think it would be a great inner thigh/stabilizer muscle workout if she were to stick with it.

Must have multiple personalities.. what is that called these days? Dissociative Identity Disorder?

Dresses are the lazy woman’s way to look like she gives a damn when in fact she is all DGAF. Maybe that’s just me?

I’m willing to take the chance. But also, it wouldn’t be the Bears if we didn’t have a revolving door of quarterbacks.

I’m okay with woke, but I’m not down with “shook”.

It is kind of like, rainbow Vulcan.

I too love this concealer. I use it in Caramel in conjunction with their foundation in Syracuse. Stays on all day, and I’m way oily. Doesn’t crease under my eyes either.

I too love this concealer. I use it in Caramel in conjunction with their foundation in Syracuse. Stays on all day,

I still plan on watching the shit out of this. But I specifically enjoy watching bad guys get eviscerated while sitting in a recliner at a movie theater. I’m a simple woman with simple tastes.

I’m playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. When I left Lara, she was trying to escape from the Gulag without a winter coat. Poor girl. I know she is freezing cold. I really like this Tomb Raider. The last one I played forever ago had really wonky controls. But I think it was back on the PS2 (I don’t remember, I’m an old)

I just bought this game since it was on sale on the PS Network. MamaMojito gave me playstation gift cards for my birthday. Unfortunately I have the world’s slowest internet connection so maybe by the time I get home from work I can play it. Maybe not. I’m guessing this patch is why it’s taking all damn day and night

As a black woman in the US it just brings up images of antebellum south and overt racists trying to hold on to some misplaced confederate glory. It’s not a common name in Chicago, or anywhere else in my neck of the midwest.  

Gibbons are adorable primates that mate for life. Don’t disparrage gibbons.

I thought his name was actually Jefferson Beauregard Sessions? Totally extra if you ask me.

I never bother locking my luggage. If you want to steal my baggy granny panties have at it. Anything important is in my carry on bag or in the case of my jewelry, on my person.