
Is it bad that I didn’t even realize that the Bears played last night?  I love the Bears. I made mention of my love of the Bears in my wedding vows. This season has given me permanent heartburn. Instead I made tacos and played Dragon Age. They were damn good tacos. As for Dragon Age, I made the perfect shade of matte

Sexy Bridgegate? Please tell me there is a picture of this on the innerwebz somewhere.

My mother is giddy like a schoolkid over the re-release of this game for the PS4. She is excited to have all the downloads and whatnot in one fully remastered game. MamaMojito is a couple years shy of 70, so yes, you can and should enjoy games well into your golden years.

I’m so glad I don’t live in Lakeview anymore. I’m too old for this kind of Tom Foolery.

I don’t think he is any more moderate than any other IL repub out there. He has just had to swing back to the center to try to position himself in an electible light in an otherwise super blue district. I feel like when Alexi Giannoulis ran against him Alexi just assumed he was going to win so kind of half-assed his

I’d posit that the vast majority of MLB/NBA/NFL/NHL team owners are old white repubs that support Trump, either quietly or not so quietly. I think the overtly racist logo is therefore worse. Can’t do anything about ownership, but holding onto a racist logo or team name is just a dick move.

Does Donald Trump have extra teeth? This horrifying picture of his face makes me wonder if he has like, a few extra teeth in the bottom of his mouth. Proof that he is indeed some kind of orange monster.

I live in a neighborhood in Chicago that has a heavy Mexican population and delicious authentic Mexican food. I fully admit to loving the hell out of a Chipotle burrito. And their chips are the best. THE BEST. There is no shame in my game at all.

I feel like Paul is going to just pull a Boehner and be all like “Fuck it, I’m out!” and ride off into the Wisconsin sunset one day.

Yes, so much this. I’m emotionally exhausted after a party. Even if it is a party with people I like and enjoy spending time with individually. Afterwards I want nothing more than to curl up on my couch with my cat and watch reruns of Star Trek: TNG on the BBC.

As a Chicagoan I expect to bar my doors and not leave the house that day, should the Cubs win, lest I plan on dying in the lunatic fringe that will take over the city starting at 1060 W Addison and radiating outward from there.

I wouldn’t put tomato in (or egg.. because I don’t like eggs) my rice. I would totally add bacon or proscuitto and some garlic in the rice. Maybe a little parmesean.

My Dad had an orange Opal GT. Also, the Dukes of Hazzard car was totally orange. My Hobo handbag is orange. So is my wallet. ORANGE FOR LIFE!

I feel like orange is going to get a bad rep for the next decade. I love the color orange and I, unlike the orange glazed ham running for president, look fabulous in it.

I’m surprised Virginia McCaskey is so high on the list. She is like, 174 years old.

This. I used to work in a doctor’s office at the front desk. I checked in patients, took co-pays, generated invoices (it was a small independent doctor’s office with two Doctors and a Nurse Practitioner). My resume mentions working with them but I get all kinds of random recruiters looking for Nurse Practitioners or

Girl.. a half and pregnant. You are kind of insane. But I also kind of adore that level of insanity.

Congrats on the half marathon. Though, with Trump being so out of shape, one would not have to run particularly fast. How did you fare?

Cheeto Voldemort is giving me all kinds of life right now.

Yaaaaas. Kitchen laundry in the house!