I’m not particularly big on religion or God, but I’m gonna channel some of my more religious friends/family and say this:
I’m not particularly big on religion or God, but I’m gonna channel some of my more religious friends/family and say this:
A girl can only hope!
I really wish there were a Meijer in Chicago proper. They permeate the suburbs though.
I think it’s gonna be Rudy. The stress vein on his forehead will bulge, then he will turn purple and become unhinged, possibly by attacking some unsuspecting CNN anchor. Well, more unhinged than he already is.
These kind of are the whitest white people nicknames in the history of white.
I.. rarely am I at a loss for words, but I am at a loss for words. I bet he thinks this is classy.
I’m pretty much right smack dab between Lincoln Square and Mayfair. Ravenswood Manor is nice too. The Northwest side has the luxury of a neighborhood feel with houses while still being in Chicago proper. If you like brick bungalows Mayfair, Ravenswood Manor and Albany Park all have a lot of them. I almost rented in…
Bacon and parmesean are my go to flavor boosters. Sometimes together. Bacon for life!
My assumption was that Rutgers was added to make Purdue look decent at football. God love my alma mater. They are good at lots of things. But football is not one of them (although, when I was there, the football team was pretty good! When I was there, Drew Brees was also there.. Take that as you will).
Great. I cannot get Turning Japanese out of my head now. But not the Vapors version. The Liz Phair version.
Christ. I’d be very very comfortable in a sweet suburban house with a picket fence and 2.4 kids and a golden retriever with that kind of salary.
I’m 9.5 miles from downtown though. But honestly, save for work, I try to actively avoid the loop. I want the convenience of the city without the hassle of downtown. Even when we were renting the place we had a sweet deal. We moved in in 09 and our landlord never raised the rent on us because we were good tenants.…
I missed this tiny, pocket sized man. I’m glad he is back again.
I think he had a little botox or maybe a quick nip and tuck while he was under.
As a broad on the cusp of 40, I’m too old to feel guilty about liking what I like and not liking what I don’t like. I’m not going to ever play Bloodborn. My brother likes to needle me about that shit all the time, because I like RPGs but I don’t like overly hard shit. I want to enjoy the game not throw my controller…
This. So much this.
It just seems to me that eventually a threshold would be reached wherein bay area techies would just move to other tech heavy areas to find employment. What’s the point of a six figure salary if you living check to check?
I don’t have a dishwasher. I do have in unit laundry.
Comcast is the only company that caused me to get so angry that I literally had a haze of red cloud my vision. Because of that, I endure shitty slow AT&T U-Verse internet. But there is nothing that would ever make me go back to using Comcast again. Actually, I say I endure but really, I never get on the internet at…
I cannot even with the average SF rent. My mortgage is $1016 a month on a 2 br condo here in Chicago. Do salaries out there even cover rents that high?