
I saw it this weekend. It was okay. I found the white savior bit problematic. But they tried to minimize that, but it was still there due to the nature of the material. I think it would have been better as a Samuel L Jackson/Alexander Skarsgard buddy action flick. They were funny together and had good chemistry.

I have a tendency to use stuff geared toward dry hair since my hair is so dry. I also use stuff geared toward smoothing it out so that I can have a decent, non-frizzy curl when wearing it curly (or so it actually looks smooth when straight). Stuff for fine hair doesn’t work well for me at all! I’m using the Garnier in

I don’t want to smell like my husband’s Dial soap. I want to smell like Endless Weekend (or anything really girly, really - Lavender, Peach, something floral..whatever)! Mr. Mojito also uses the cheapest shampoo known to man and my baby fine, curly, dry natural hair cannot even with that $1 shit. I specifically want

I liked both Life is Strange and Remember Me. And I like vampires and this sort of pre-war era London setting so you don’t have to twist my arm to buy it when it comes out (wait, this isn’t pre war, it’s war war in 1918, right? Jesus I’m forgetting all the history I learned now that I’m an old. Forgive a broad her

Also random that they are both named Misty! Good luck to both ladies come November.

What do you call those briefs? The volleyball players and cheerleaders at my HS called them “butt huggers”. But this was the early to mid 90s. It was a different time!

This might describe my husband perfectly. He is downright paranoid about being broke, not having money to the point where it gives him crippling anxiety issues. What is funny is that he always has money. Like Scrooge he has all the gold socked away. I don’t have this problem, and I don’t know why he does either

Sweet zombie Jesus I’m glad I’m up here in Chicago where I only have to worry about militant Canadian geese.

He is clearly the neighborhood flasher with that trench coat and no pants.

I didn’t recognize Hawke as Hawke because in my mind Hawke is always sarcastic lady Hawke and never a man. (Also, now whenever I play the game I call her CirillaHawke since Ciri and Hawke have the same voice actress).

I didn’t mind LA Noire. Also, my mother liked LA Noire (mamaMojito is the bee’s knees, y’all). Can’t say I played Watchdogs, but Ubisoft sent me a weird stalker email about the new game last week (I’m guessing because I have a uplay account and have played all the AC games).

I would play the hell out of this. Also, I’d totally frame those three pictures and put them on a wall.

Whoever made this is a goddamn genius.

Ugh. I imagine sitting kind of sucked that evening!

Maybe. Maybe there is a difference in manufactuers too? It’s fascinating. But I’m sorry you had to get a series of ass shots because of that bat! Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Is the rabies shot series still magenta? I used to work in a doctor’s office back in the early 2000's and we had to special order Rabies vaccine for a woman who was working with feral animals. It was a lovely shade of magenta.

I have a sociology degree ...also from Purdue. Go Boilers?

I have an undergrad major of Sociology with a MBA (marketing concentration). I figured it was a best of both worlds sort of thing. For the most part the “critical thinking” bits that a lot of my classmates struggled with I found easy breezy - I was so used to pumping out papers and doing critical analyses from my

One of these things is not like the others.. one of these things is not the same..

I like Colors by Llarowe. Lots of sparkle and rainbow reflective polishes. They seem to last a fairly long time.