Can’t you post a video of adorable owls giving attitude to park rangers or kittens frolicking after a laser pointer or puppies rolling about instead of things that make me want to bleach my eyes and burn my computer to the ground? Just once, Jez..
Can’t you post a video of adorable owls giving attitude to park rangers or kittens frolicking after a laser pointer or puppies rolling about instead of things that make me want to bleach my eyes and burn my computer to the ground? Just once, Jez..
I was a fan of Digital Devil Saga I (but not 2. DDS2 was a pain in the ass way more than it should have been).
This made me giggle way more than I should while at work.
I’m glad that in Illinois credit scores cannot be used against you in terms of gaining employment. Seems like this is just one more thing you have to worry about to make sure if it is correct or not.
The problem with IB is that he isn’t a tank and you can’t treat him like your tank. I bring him along when I KE (since a KE is a magical tank) and always set him to defend himself rather than the inquisitor. If you go deep in the vanguard tree and get him armor with guard on hit he does better. Alternatively, you can…
Team Dorian for life. Though, I do like getting Iron Bull and Dorian to hook up. The banter is comedy gold especially when you have Sera in your party along with them.
The comments on this topic are comedy gold. That Ben Affleck press junket gif! LOL!!
I like the dollar tree for stuff like foil, wax paper and parchment paper. And around turkey day they have those big foil roaster pans (actually, they have those all year round).
I personally, as a kid, was always bored as shit at weddings. I had my wedding in a museum. It was in the evening. It wasn’t a kid friendly menu or location. I have no regrets about it. I did have a few people who treated it as a much needed vacation away from their kids! They all had a fab time.
I do. I live in a condo in Chicago.
I didn’t invite children. I’m a monster. But I had gotten laid off a month after I got engaged. My budget was crazy tight. The people who came really wanted to be there. Invited 93, had 65 or so show up. It was for me, the perfect size since I’m not overly fond of large gatherings.
Is it wrong that my immediate reaction to this is “good”? I mean... good that they are going to jail - not that their kid died. They let their kid die! I don’t have kids. I can’t even say that I want them or like them. But if I had one, you’d be damned sure I’d take them to the doctor if they fell ill. I can let a lot…
Talk about cutting off ones nose to spite one’s face.. That’s a proverbial drop in the bucket, compared to the amount they declined.
I kind of stopped watching GMA because every fucking day they interview that bloviating windbag, Donald Trump. EVERY DAY! WHY DO THEY NEED TO SPEAK WITH HIM EVERY DAMN DAY?!
Mad props to that girl in front on the left standing on point. Ouch.
Ballers, of course.
The Spin off is in in the Vancouver area, I thought?
I thought I was the only person who hated Love It or List It. I no longer feel alone!!
I... I’m having a hard time organizing a coherent thought about this. Why did this man think this was an okay thing to do?
Every time I ever see her she is in what amounts to sparkly underpants performing. But then again I’m not fan enough to go to her concerts (or any concerts really.. too many people) to see that. I’m not talking about “real life”.