
Wasn’t the last time she wore pants like when she was preggo with Blue Ivy. Maybe that wasn’t 5 years ago. But Between her and Rihanna they just perform in what looks to be spanx.

I would, just once, like to see Beyonce in a pair of pants. She hasn’t worn pants in like 5 years. And not like, athletic leggings. But a pair of real live pants. Jeans. A trouser. Something normal.

No worse than the art store here in the states - Dick Blick. Or Dick’s Sporting goods. Pro-tip: don’t type in when looking for dicks sporting goods online.

You also don’t have to go immediately after your wedding. I got married in April 2011, but didn’t go on the honeymoon until November 2011. We went to Playa del Carmen during shoulder season and saved a bunch of money that way. And it only rained once for like half an hour and it was done. We did go a full week though.

Dennis only deeply regrets that he got caught paying out hush money. I’m sure he didn’t regret violating minors.

I too have a fabulous dish washer. My husband. ;-)

Dude’s got a wonky eye. I can’t tell what he is looking at. Also, if that is his mug shot, he has a smug punchable face.

Rilgar is the worst. The worst! But I’m excited for this game.

Do you know their website address?

Pretty much this. I wonder how big their paranormal romance section is.

I look shitty in a drop waist. My hips don’t lie. They mock a drop waist on me.

I’m partial to calling him an overbaked orange glazed ham.

This almost made my ovaries explode. Almost.

Is this a man thing? My husband paces so much while on the phone I worry he is going to wear the finish off of the floor. I make one call a week - to my parents, but I sit on the couch for the entire hour we talk (unless I get up to get something related to the conversation - say a book or something).

Wait wait wait.. Shouldn’t you be talking smack about someone in the NHL or something, Burneko?

Wait.. what.. this makes no sense.

My dress was VERY similar to the black and white Jessica McClintock dress, only mine was off the shoulder, navy and had lace all around the shoulders. Same shape though. And yeah, I totes went to prom in 1994. Made the cover of the newspaper too.

I have a sports bra from old navy that hooks like a normal bra.

Oh, I had an off the shoulder, fit and flare knee length dress in navy blue with white lace at the top. I totally wore white gloves with it, but ditched those suckers shortly after making my way into the dance. My dress was the epitome of 1994.

Get the multi-pack. I always get the box that has regular, super and super plus tampons for all of my shark week needs.