
Nothing like a shapeless muumuu to hide any semblance of shape you might have to your body! And made out of material combinations that will burst into flames like a roman candle in a pile full of tinder.

My vote is Disney in October. Not hot as balls, yet warm enough to still wear shorts and go to the pool and kids are in school.

I didn’t know there such a thing as reverse french braids? As a random aside that is the only way I know how to braid my hair. Not that I braid my hair very often. But when I do.. this is the way my mom taught me.

Anita did not get my vote. Not one drop of ink was accidentally placed in her arrow. Nope.

My cat.. god love her... barfs all the time. On the wood. On the rug. When she is feeling particularly evil, on all three cushions of the couch. I’ve tried special food. Special food dishes. Nothing helps. She just loves regurgitation. So no.. no poop, but so much barf.

These just keep getting more and more entertaining. He just keeps getting more and more horrifying.

This. Only the boys got to wear red and the girls had to wear white at my school. Because virginity I guess? Ironically, my school mascot was a red devil. The DEVIL.

So me playing my video games in my fleece owl pj pants and oversized t-shirt is doing it wrong? I can’t even!

Feh.. it’s a delicious pizza casserole. What’s not to like?! I can pony up a Chicago dog, complete with sport peppers and radioactive neon green relish, but for the love of god no ketchup!

Wait, Toronto is our sister city? Does that get us anything? Any sort of exchange. Eli’s cheesecake and Chicago style deep dish for something Torontoesque??

NW Indiana has beaches on Lake Michigan. But yes, I too apologize for the asshattery of my home state.

The only towels worth buying are bath sheets. Not bath towels - they are entirely too short. Bath sheets. Just go to Macy’s and buy two bath sheets (as the associate - they’ll point them out - all your major brands have them), matching hand towels and matching wash cloths. You get your big towel, your GF gets a nice

Jon Snow is only mostly dead, people! That means he’s slightly alive!!

LOL. She never did though. :) The threat was there for when we tested the last shreds of her saint like patience!

My mother used to threaten to snatch me bald-headed when I was bad.. does that count for anything?

I used to work for the ad agency that did a giant chunk of Budweiser’s ads. We used to have a beer (and wine) cart on Thursday and Friday. Man I miss advertising for that alone.

I’ve started going to only see movies at theaters with the big ass recliner seats (and bars). They have extra big rows and you can get in and out of the row without putting your bits or ass in someone’s face. Also... RECLINER.

Y’all are way more social gamers than I am. I have two friends - my brother and my mother and neither of them are social gamers either. From what I can tell my mother is too busy killing mutants in Fallout 4 to ever bother me and my brother is ... well my brother. He’ll text me if he wants anything - we don’t really

2/3rds of it is the accent. I mean, he’s not Joe Manganiello but his body is pretty darn cut. I would wash my delicates on his abs.

The devil has to have some kind of charm in order to get so many people to sell their mortal souls to him.