
As a native Hoosier I get it! It took forever to get restaurants to go smoke free in Indiana and it’s red as hell save for NW Indiana near Chicago. I can probably go somewhere in my home state and find a broad who would also have the winged hair, aqua net and still has this jogger set preserved in her closet.

Wat? Not all parts of the midwest! The hipsters here in Chicago would wear the hell out of that set though.

Last gen I bought most of my games for the 360. I played the hell out of the Xbox. And had an original one for the longest time.. Until it died. So I had to rebuy a few games for them 360 for my PS3. All my Assassin’s Creed games (well, not all of them, just the Ezio trilogy), and both Dragon Age and DAII since those

Thowing Copper was awesome. All the songs were so good. No shame in owning that one..

I’m so sorry about your loss.

You are paying for the privilige of living in the butt ass freezing cold of winter and sweaty hot humity of summer in IL? :)

Our problem is the power play between Madigan and Rauner. Madigan has all the power. Rauner likes to think he has power since he won the governor’s seat, but he does not. He’s just a rich, cheap guy in an ill-fitting suit. Even Quinn couldn’t get half of his legislation past Madigan and his iron clad block, and Quinn

So basically the mayor is saying #sorrynotsorry with his apology...

I respect that you have a murder dungeon. I have a murderous cat. She killed a mouse once.

As a person born in February, I typically see a “shitty” movie around my birthday because that is all that gets put out in February (I’m putting shitty in quotes because I generally like a shitty movie and get drunk with a shitty moviegoing friend and have fun).. anyhow, it’s nice to have a movie that looks to be not

This is beautiful. My preference was to put Evie in teal, but this is pretty darn stunning.

I cannot stop picturing Roger Godell as a ham with hair now.

Am I the only person who thinks that Tom Hardy mumbles? I mean, every movie I’ve seen him in he sounds like he mumbles. Or wears a ridiculous face mask. I don’t dislike him, but he sounds like he mumbles. Maybe it’s the tone of his voice? Anyhow, carry on, Jezebel commentariat.

I share nothing with my husband in terms of digital footprint. Having a joing facebook just seems weird. We also have really different interests and sets of friends. Sure, there is cross polination since we’re married and all, but not enough that we are the same person digitally.

This makes me feel bad for killing all those Jaguars in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag.

I think I need the Barbie spy squad. They look like some bad ass broads.

I like the shape of the first dress. But the print? Not so much. But then again, I am clearly not the Lily Pullitzer target demographic.

I’m interesting? Crap. My secret is out! As for cities in IL, well, I’m a native Hoosier! But from the part that is practically Chicago anyhow. ;-)

Pandas gon panda, yo. Better Tian Tian rolling about in the snow than me. No snow here in Chicago.

This. I’m never gonna have a dancer’s body. I’m just not built like that. Too much hips boobs and ass. Even if I got super thin, I’d still have hips and ass. Might lose the boobs though. but the width of my hips is never going to shrink.