
My husband works for the Chicago Public Library.. I’m a terrible person because I still prefer to buy my own books. I just don’t want one that has been felt up and used and dog eared by someone I don’t know.

I generally read a book a week. I spend a lot of time on public transit. And Most of those are actual books rather than stuff for a gadget. And I have a kindle, but I just enjoy actual books more than reading on my kindle. There is something nice about looking at the cover art and reading the jacket or back cover,

This would piss me off so much if I were a parent. I’d lose my damn mind. You don’t just take some kids and use them for your own personal gain without getting permission.

This is like, the worst reason to not have a black history month. At least pretend to have a valid thought behind not wanting BHM like that you don’t like that it implies that BHM is the only time where black history is taught or that it’s not enough time to celebrate historical achievements or something.

I play lots of real games. Every Assassin’s Creed game ever made, all of the Dragon Age games.. my PS4 gets used daily But on the CTA. It’s a book or stuff like Candy Crush. Though since my post, I’ve abandoned Candy Crush. Level 739 broke me :P

This list made me realize how damn old I really am. Also, I’ve gotten through the entire year never having heard Trap Queen.

My birthday next year is on Superbowl Sunday. ALWAYS STEALING MY GLORY, NFL!!! At least it’s not a milestone like my 40th or something (getting closer, but not yet). Because the NFL is all “Ooh, Superbowl 50 golden anniversary Woo Hoo!!” about it. Eff that.

Look, he is just proud of how shiny and white his teeth are after his visit to the dentist!

This is an insult to Gibbons who are small and adorable and mate for life.

I aim to please!

Wait.. I call a flock of crows a murder of crows and I’m from Chicago. Is this not a thing elsewhere?

Sadly, the only comment I can think of in response to this is “Duh” as in it is glaringly obvious to anyone with a half a brain here that women in the US have a sub-optimal run of it. Also, I’m sure there are people with less than a half a brain who think that things here are hunky dory. I assume those people are

I remember in HS, I was one of the few people who had a higher verbal score than math score on my SAT (back when they still scored them that way). I cannot even with the math.

Why do you make me choose between Spice, Brit Brit and Justin pre-relaxer? 98 Degrees get thrown off the island though...

Where is this guy looking for his cell phone cases that he is only finding yellow? (I actually adore yellow - it was one of my wedding colors even!). He can find team logo cases or ones that look like a mix tape or ones that have chevorn stripes. I don’t think he is really trying...

Sounds about right to me.. I gave Skyrim about 10 hours before I stopped playing it. I’ve determined that it’s something with almost all Bethesda games that bug me - and I’m not sure what that something is. I gave Oblivion about the same amount of hours before it went on the “nope” pile. I’m a snap judger though. I

I have a friend who is a born and bred New Yorker who has never not lived in a city (we’re both in Chicago now). One day we went to Evanston and she was positively giddy to eat at a Chili’s. It was a novelty to her.. But for me being a suburban kid it was just a place to eat before we went to the movies.

My 67 year old mother.. she plays this game (she’s obsessed with the last three Fallout games, really). She too hates the monkeys. Sometimes she shoots them. I went to her house over the thanksgiving weekend and there is nothing quite like watching someone who is a grandmother swear like a pirate at those things.

I’m assuming Bethesda is obsessed with mannequins in the same way that BioWare is obsessed with putting cheese in all of the Dragon Age games..

This just drives the point home that the republican base is full of unreasonable nutbags. We should let the tea-party break off into a 3rd party or crazies so moderate republicans can at least go back to occasionally compromising with democrats so crap can kind of get done..