
The murder mysteries were some of my favorite bits in Unity. So I’ve been happily playing them in Syndicate. I’m a collector at heart though, so I’m looking for those damn music boxes. I’ve already gotten all the beers and flowers. It does suck that the murder mysteries are timed excluses though. I had the same

Ugh. Creepy and gross. You can’t even get from point A to point B without being videographically violated.

In other news. Here is my adorably evil cat, Sheba... She says hi.

What was funny is that I thought maybe I just didn’t give the game a fair shake having borrowed it from my brother, so when my XBox died and I repurchased all the old AC games for my PS3, I got ACIII on the cheap as well. Still hated it. I appreciate that they had a Native American voice actor for Connor but yes, he

I’m 38 and still get told I’ll change my mind. No. I wont. I do not want and have never wanted kids. I knew when I was about 13 that I didn’t want kids. I married a man who also does not want kids. But people still ask me when we are going to have them. I’m very polite in my deferral of this to most people. They just

That’s fair. The whole series is just really up and down and Ubisoft has a hard time with consistency. I personally think they have a tendency to over-promise things. But that is more a function of management and the marketing team. I’d rather they go low key and be pleasantly surprised. Maybe if I would have actually

This... this is my husband. He is always spouting off about how the system sucks and everything is going to hell and that we need a revolution BLAH BLAH BLAH! Then he misses voting. I have not missed a mid-term election since I began voting in 1996. I get up early to make sure I get to the polls on time (and the poll,

I didn’t hate Arno. I felt like Ubi could have put more effort into making his narrative more memorable and more important in the grand scheme of things. In the end it felt like his entire existence didn’t matter in terms of the overarching meta aspect of the series. Does that make sense?? Like, Unity was just a throw

Wat? No. Connor was the worst. He made me hate life. AC3 in general made me see a red haze of rage. And I fully admit to being a bit of a fan girl when it comes to AC games. But that game and Connor made me question my life choices.

The student said it was the same broseph who went ham on her too. After he body slammed the first girl she said he said “do you want to go to jail too”. This was on GMA this morning.

Solidarity (I say this as I am wearing a pair of navy blue leggins and a royal blue tunic sweater and boots). Eff real pants.

On the news this morning, another student spoke up and said something and she got handcuffed and arrested too.. just for speaking up. And the student who took the video said he was terrified, but said he knew he needed to record the incident.

Why can’t we vote for all of the above?

This is what happens when you try to impress Evie Frye. You get run over. Also, Alexander Graham Bell seems to have a crush on her.

I totes forgot he was still actually running.

I feel better already!


Didn’t bother with a veil. I regret nothing! I looked fly AF with my fascinator tho. Sorry these are so gigantic!

This.. makes my brain hurt. I’m going to have to watch videos of kittens now.

I think they are the devil. You practically have to pay to breathe the air on their planes.