
When I moved from Indiana to Boston.. man, that was rough. I was miserable. MISERABLE. And I was a grown ass adult when I moved there (26). It was just different. But it was different in ways I never did fully adjust to. I missed being let down by the Bears. I cried myself to sleep nightly. I missed little things I

So, based on these scores, virtually every airline is the devil.

Fishnet tights? I’d get gray tights and then some crazy color fishnet over it like orange or aqua or something. :) To be fair, I lost a lot of weight and have really loosy goosy thighs and just don’t go anywhere with that much thigh exposure, ever. I might be projecting my own insecurities! LOL!

Get some gray tights?

Is this rope dipped in gold wrapped into a corset? What even is this. It can’t be comfortable, but I like the look of this.

Am I a bad feminist for never having been on xoJane ever (even though I was a Sassy fanatic back in the day)? Do I lose all my feminist cred?

I worked at Pier 1 back in 05-06 and never experienced this. But to be fair we had a really well managed store and were usually top in our district. Either way I’d sooner gnaw my own hand off at the wrist than work retail ever again.

I had a co-worker who would constantly show up late to relieve me at an old retail job. One day she called with her usual litnay of excuses and I, for lack of a better way to put it, lost my shit. I told her that just because working retail was a part time throw away job to her didn’t mean that it wasn’t a full time

Are they from Indiana? I’m from NW Indiana originally and you have a curious mix of redneck apologists and solidly democratic union types. All less than an hour from Chicago.

The back of this gown is everything. I love the Victorian era.

I know this is a shitty situation, but your comment... it made me giggle way too much. I mean, I visualize a *headdesk* to accompany your Goddamnit.

BW said they didn’t want hair to clip so they didn’t make long hair, but when RPGing, I want my badass fem inquisitor to look feminine. I like the juxtaposition of being an assassin but being a lady, damnit! And if I could have one with springy ringlets, hell, that would be even better. I’d rather see it clip than

Ugh. Bioware’s character builder is so limited. When they switched over to frostbite it’s like they had a stockpile of high and tight military hair cuts from some shooter which they tried to relabel as “gender inclusive”. They all suck if you are looking for curly hair or long hair or any kind of ethnic hair that is

Geralt is awesome. And oddly hot for an old guy. The Witcher is awesome. Even my mother likes the Witcher. You have no soul.

Wait wait wait... how is taking a shit on display not punshment for this guys family/friends/co-workers/strangers? Like, if I were this guy’s wife, would I have to stop what I was doing while at home to watch him drop one? They are tainted by association. Sure it would be amusing at first to point and laugh at his

Honestly I think there are more design/recoration shows in DIY. Mega Dens with Anitra Mecadon, Rehab Addict, even Man Caves. All more about design. And design specific to the house style (period specific design for Rehab Addict) or stuff that works for families w/o doing something that they will end up hating. So the

Hildi did one where she made all the furniture in the room out of cardboard. It was the pits.

I’ll have to pass this along to my husband. A black coffee drinker. He makes a joke about liking his coffee like his women. But I’m so pale I told him he’d need a heck of a lot of creamer in it if he is taking his coffee like his woman.

Am I the only person here who would eventually lose my shit over this an go off on this lady? I mean, I would be polite at first, then kind of short and terse before probably going HAM as it were in some kind of angry, overly dramatic glory.

I like that you managed to quote studes from both major Indiana institutions of higher learning in this article. Boiler up, yo.