
I had one bridesmaid who did not give me a gift at my wedding. And I was okay with this. She and her husband flew from Boston to Chicago to be in it. She had two kids and had to find someone to take care of them for the weekend. She had to buy a dress, and pay for a hotel room. That was the gift. Her presence at the

This makes my brian hurt. Like... Physically throb in my skull.

I honestly feel like at this point it is going to take some wholesale death for the anti-vaxxers to realize that they are gambling with their children’s lives. And I do not say that lightly. Nor do I want to see people die. But some people are so out of touch with the actual complications and ramifications of these

As a Chicagoan, no. Just.. no. Sure we have problems. But a catastrophic flood/Tornado/act of god is not a good way to “fix” things. Everyone needs to stop placating special interests and work for the actual people in the city. I don’t think an EF-4 would make that happen any quicker.

I don’t want a jungle down there in my face during sexytimes. But, you don’t need to wax it all off either. Mad props to the guys and gals who do wax it all off. Do you ever still have nerve endings?

My birthday is in February. So every year I go to a really bad movie around my birthday. Because only crap is released in February. One year it was Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters (which I liked), another was Vampire Academy (which I also liked) and this year it was Jupiter Ascending (which I didn’t mind - the

I’m boring too, Carly. I hardly ever drink. I did it when I was in college because everyone did it and it was a thing but the older I get the less I care for being drunk an god forbid being hungover. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


If you talk to her after she becomes divine, she is practically begging to rejoin your party. Don’t pick the option “I just came to talk”, pick the other one (I cannot remember what it is offhand) and she will rejoin you.

Does your mage have dispel? You should dispell the hell out of the emmisary. In fact take two mages down there and have your support mage set dispel to preferred and go to town.

This.. this is creepy. Like some post apocalyptic hellscape..

I got that on my first playthrough. Went back to the right before the lodge and redid that choice and got the Witcher ending which felt the most realistic to me. In some ways the bleak ending seems raw and real. I choose to think she may still be alive in there. We just know that Geralt thinks she is dead. The empress

We had the occasional black one traipse through our yard growning up in NW Indiana. Along with the regular reddish brown and grayish ones. Up in Michigan they have all black and black and white ones rather than normal brown/gray/reddish ones.

Honey, we can MAKE you sparkle! Don’y you worry about that.

Oh, I was just using the moose as an example as to what this assclown might be doing with his “trophies”. I have no problems with someone hunting a moose (or a deer or rabbit or other legal non-endangered animals during hunting season in designated areas)!

Girl, I live in a 3rd floor condo in Chicago. We’re gonna have to rent a space somewhere!

Good for him for picking himself up, dusting himself off and putting his life back together. I wish him all the success.


I have no discernable talent whatsoever. But when has THAT ever stopped anyone? :)

I’m 38, and sometimes I think I need to go to Walgreens and pick up a pair of cheaters.