
I.. kind of want to start a band and name it Sociopathic Sparkle now.

One of the things that bothers me about this is that this guy throws the guides under the bus, claiming ignorance. Honestly, if I do something that is not legal, I don’t get to claim ignorance as a defense. I still get taken to jail. And ignorance of local law in a foreign country is no excuse.

My brother and sister both had to get various types of orthodontia (I did not, yay me). And their Orthodontist, while, as far as I know did not go out hunting exotic endangered animals, did have a taxidermied head of a giant moose mounted on the wall of his practice. So maybe he has his trophies in the waiting room of

I miss Kyle Orton. But only for his neckbeard. That was a pretty epic neckbeard. As a Purdue graduate I’m also contractually obligated to like anyone from Purdue who does moderately well

That quest made me giggle. I felt a little bad about killing him. Dude was minding his own business and you have the gall to wake him up. Twice!

I’m saddened by the lack of freshly carved meats. Honestly I’d probably be more interested in the buffet than the sex.

My 67 year old mother loves Fallout 3. She likes NV too, but Fallout 3 is her jam. I sent her an email with the trailer for Fallout 4 and she was giddy with joy. She also bakes a delicious blueberry muffin too.

Good. It will be nice to play with my gear. I spent a lot of time doing treasure hunts and contracts (I loved the treasure hunts!). I have all of the gear fully upgraded on a level 35 Geralt.

I’m super late on this. I’ve finished the game fully twice (I got all three major endings by reloading the second game right before the the point of no return and doing it all over again from that point onward. The first game I got the “bad” ending. The second game I got the Witcher ending w/o going back to manipulate

You gotta keep your energy up for all the sexing, right?? Eleanor, tell us more about the contents of this buffet. Carb heavy like for runners, or was it more protein dense to keep you satisfied.

Honestly, the fact that there are fancy chickens bred just to look fancy amuses the crap out of me. Fancy chickens, y’all..

I try. :). I really wish I could post the chicken now. IT WAS ADORABLE! But I think this computer I’m using at this workstation does not have java and all that stuff upgraded, so it won’t pop up the window to let me post it.

It’s the sort of clothing a moderately conservative 45 year old woman would wear to her job as an account exectutive with a pharmaceutical company.

I have a good friend I met when I lived in Boston who was the proverbial black sheep of her family. In fact, she moved to Boston from San Francisco to get away from her overbearing mom. I wouldn’t put her mom in tiger parent to the nth degree like the father in this story, but they were disappointed with her choices.

What is going on with this blonde mullety look? I didn’t recognize her as Khloe.

Well, it’s a jaunty chapeau on the chicken.. You can make it a jaunty chapeau for you. You do you. :)

Delicious, caramelized worms. Funny though, this is not necessarily where I clicked on the picture.

Yeah, I agree when you live a closed off, insular life like this woman apparently did, it is very hard to see past your four walls.

Like, you are only going to eat the fancy chickens and not the regular ones?

This looks effing delicious. Staaaaahp!