
This is a damn shame on all accounts. Don’t be that tiger parent who places all of their failed hopes on their child. And kids, realize that once you are 18 you are in control of your own life and can move out to get away from it all. Too bad no one at her school or none of her friends were able to help her. Maybe

You get all the stars. This is so true. I stayed at a job for almost four years that made me miserable. In fact leaving for the day made me crabby because I knew I would have to get up the next day and go to work. I always felt like the rest of the company shit on my department and didn’t care about us. We got paid

Am I the only person who reads books/scrolls and then immediately drops them on the ground? Is there a reason I need to keep them? I don’t generally refer back to them. I haven’t played it since the new patch downloaded though. Took forever. I have three completed games. Can’t hurt to see what is new!

Yeah but you impart legit medical knowledge. I got nuthin.

If I knew the secret I’d tell all y’all! I got a whole lot of nothing.

Bill looks like his mother! I do see some of Bill now that to mention it, more in the structure rather than the features. Does that make sense? Because features wise she still looks a lot like Hills to me.

In the spirit of this article, and broad city.. WHO DO I HAVE TO PEG ON THE JEZEBEL STAFF TO GET OUT OF THE GRAYS?

So I double checked and found I was followed by Millihelen. So if I follow them back will that make me black on Jez? So confusing. This is why I drink, y’all.

I think Chelsea is the spitting image of Hillary! Maybe I just need to see a picture of Bill’s mom? Like, the more I see Rumer Willis the more I see both her mom and dad in her face but Chelsea looks just like Hillary to me.

Also, is that your cat? I like your cat. This is my cat. She needs neck support, apparently.

Ha! I um, pay for red highlights? :-)

We can form our own tribe.

Not necessarily. I was not grayed, then I had to make a new account because my old job blocked Facebook and that is how my account used to log in, and this new account I’ve had on Jezebel for like, four years? I was just never ungrayed. I’ve asked. But I don’t think I comment enough or say enough witty funny things to

This just seems like so much work for contouring. I mean, contouring is already a lot of work in and of itself until you get your routine down. But putting on a face only to blend it into your face so you get your fully made up look just seems exhausting to me. And I say this as a broad who has a train case full of

But.. that’s Cher’s ex-stepbrother Josh playing Antman!

Tatiana Maslany diserves all the emmy nominations. All of them.

Here in Illinois BRau is trying to give him a run for his money. *sigh*

EVERYONE knows the only place one should go after a long night of drinking is Taco Mothafraggin Bell.

I found myself playing a rousing round of Candy Crush Soda Saga on my phone while all this was going on. I’ve given it four episodes. I’m out. I’m going to watch Humans on AMC instead. No need to DVR it when it is a more interesting show.

Imma have to be on strike forever because my husband has no rhythm. Not an ounce. Not a drop. Not a speck. His rhythm is the equivalent of a labratory clean room. He’s pretty though.