
So if the clothes go from size 0 to 8, and XS to L, does that mean a size 8 is considered a large? I’d consider punching a baby over this if I were a size 8 and wanted the clothes. Because an 8 is not large.

I have ceiling fans in my condo, they don’t keep my condo cool on a 90 degree day. I tried it once, I was miserable. Never again. Air conditioning for life.

Pretty girl!

I’ve got some friends who think the first season was the best thing on television in the last decade. I personally bailed out after four episodes because I found it too slow and I didn’t care about any of the characters enough to stick around. I’m going to give this season four episodes. If it doesn’t interest me,

I don’t personally have issues with subways either, but I really can see how lots of people do. Living in a well grided city now (Chicago), I honestly wonder how people get lost since it is an easy NSEW grid with the odd diagonal cutting across it. I do understand how people get discombobbled in Boston though. Ain’t

Rosario Dawson in the Rundown? God that movie made me giggle.

Yo Hillary, Imma need you to pronounce that last name phonetically for me.

Do you think maybe it is a person who feels powerless in their own life shitting on someone else to make themselves feel better?

This is when I get all “EXCUSE ME I WOULD LIKE TO SIT DOWN” and give all the side eye. All the side eye. 4:45 is too close to rush hour to be that person.

Could be worse. I was on the red line here in Chicago and a woman got on with two kids around the ages of 4 and 5. The red line is always fairly busy (side note, I hate the red line, its my least favorite line and I don’t even ride it that much). There are no seats where they can all sit together. So she sits down and

Your cat sounds like an amazing individual. Pics???? I must know this fabulous beast!

It’s one thing to ask politely for a modification or substitution if you have an allergy or if you genuinely don’t like something, but when someone accommodates you (like the caramel nutjob in the last letter) and you still treat that person like shit on the bottom of your shoe, you shouldn’t get to play in the

Honestly these people all need to eat at home if they are so particular about things. They all need to stay in their troll caves and remove themselves from polite society. Too many people believe the customer is always right. You’re not. Really it’s just carte blanche for people to act like childish assholes.

Honestly the subway can be confusing. Especially when there are a bunch of trains whizzing by and the PA system is suspect and there are a ton of people speeding past you. For someone who is a complete newb, it can be sensory overload.

I don’t have a yard, but if I ever get one, it’s going to be relentlessly gay.

I think most everyone over a certain age has had Herpes Simplex A in the form of Chicken Pox. Not sure when the vaccine came out. 1990ish maybe? So most everyone over a certain age has had exposure to it. And a lot of people under that cut off have had exposure to it since a lot of people feel they would rather have

They both look so...young. Like 15 young. In my mind there has always been a disconnect with Miley Cyrus because she sounds like she smokes a pack a day. So she sounds older than she looks. But without all the stage make up and wacky clothes she looks so fresh. And the model, she also looks like someone’s high school

The Bloody Baron bits makes me stabby. He’s an alcoholic abusive ass who does his best to make me feel sorry for him or like it is his wife’s fault he is the way he is. I will say that the conversation of the two guards in the basement talking about “Bring out the Gimp” almost make the baron’s storyline worthwhile. In

When I first moved to a (fairly) big city (Boston - from the midwest). I found that the best way to ride public transit is to just fake it. Get on the bus or train like you know what you are doing. You can whip out your app or map (because back in the day they actually used to print route maps) once you are on the

I don’t buy toys for my cat anymore. The only “toys” she actively plays with are my ponytail holders. Beast will climb onto the side tables, dressers and coffee table to get at them - she thinks she is stealthy like a ninja when she does this. But I can totally see her because she is a 12 lb black animal in broad