
I used to rock those satellite bangs back in ‘89 (I was 12, I didn’t know any better). I put a significant strain on the ozone layer with all the Aqua Net and White Rain I purchased. But one can be conservative and Christian without looking so dated. My feelings about their particular brand of Christianity aside, why

Poor thing perms her hair because Jim Bob likes curly hair. The girls used to also get perms because of that. But the issue isn’t even the perm. As the owner of natural curls I have no problems with them. I have a problem with her keeping a hair style from 1984. At least if you are going to rock a curl get one of

Thanks. I have most of the bear stuff. There is still one piece in Skellege I’m missing. Missing more of the griffin gear, but I’ll stumble upon it eventually - because rather than actually go after them I like to meander about and just explore. Last night I actually advanced the story line rather than the open world

I thought that I was only me who felt that some of the armor made Geralt look like he had a food baby. I’m working the mastercrafted cat armor/swords/crossbow. I still need to find some of the mastercrafted bear and griffin stuff for a full comparison. But I tend to play with signs (quen, and alternate aard with all

My God there are some seriously dedicated and talented cosplayers out there. Not to mention the time and money it takes to keep up with it to get the details just so. Mad props.

Never ventured into the books. But for me, coming from the games only, she is just too.. contrived? I guess Triss seems more genuine. Some of that is also due to the fact that you had two games to flesh Triss out, as opposed to Yen who is just a “thing” Geralt is looking for until she isn’t in the 3rd game, ya know? I

Most of the trolls I’ve come across seem like simple guys who just want to guard things. Besides, they seem to talk first, rather than roll up on you and attack. There was an achievement in the second game for not killing trolls. Wonder if there is one in this game?

Yeah, she looks plasticky in that last picture. I think she looks the best in the middle picture.

I’ve not played any of the Uncharted games. :-(. Wait that’s not true, I played a couple hours of the first one. Using guns is not my forte. Since I suck at them I never bothered to progress further in the series. I’m a BAMF with a sword tho!

I feel like she needs to own it and go full Vivienne (from DA:I) if she is going to be an elitist snob. It just seems a touch contrived to me. She lost me in his dream at the beginning. Lol. But, I still heart the game.

The gimp conversation in the Bloody Baron’s keep. The sword named after cheese. Dandelion’s sense of style. Sunsets. There is also a 50 shades convo in the game too (ugh).

I got him to do it with Kiera Metz. Took a lot of work though .

I haven’t come across lots of cows yet, but I did hear a Pulp Fiction “bring out the gimp” convo in the bloody baron’s keep. I giggled..

I had a 20 inch Zenith tube TV that lasted me from High School in the early 90s until 2008. And before I got it, it was a hotel TV for god knows how long. That thing lasted forever.

I feel like we’re at the same place in the game, Patrick. And I thought this was just me. But to be fair I’m an old and I was questioning my vision (which is still as far as I know 20/20 but you never can tell). :)

The Flirt. And the Rock Star are the jeggings. I’m so happy they have a mid rise Rock Star, because those jeggings are my jam. And they have front pockets, unlike most jeggings.

I like how the pixie pants fit except for the length. The ankle length on me just looks like I bought pants that are too short on me. I need them in a more cropped length. They do have full length pixies, but they don’t come in the fun prints like the ankle length ones do.

As a Chicagoan and Bulls fan, I gotta say we really dodged a bullet on that one. But man we courted him HARD.

Between this and Penny Dreadful last night I now hate life.

I do butter on the outside too! I’m all about butter! Seriously, try it under the skin too.