Either way.. arrrrgh! 16.. 17. .Nope. Someone post that octopus nope nope nope gif.
Either way.. arrrrgh! 16.. 17. .Nope. Someone post that octopus nope nope nope gif.
OMG ME TOO. In my mind I was like.. Wait.. Natalie Dormer is like 30. That kid looks 15. I know he has to be at least 18. but really he looks so.. adolescent.
My dad, ever the technological early adapter, now has two stand alone DVRs because being a retired person, his TV schedule is deep. So my parents DVR two shows at once and watch a third. They are hilarious.
I’ve decided that I like Tommen. He seems like a normal well adjusted (if easily manipulated) kid. He will probably die in some horrible, tragic way. Cersei should know that she is probably lost any chance to steer him in her direction. After all, he gets to have sex with the hot girl! What teenaged boy wouldn’t…
I love going to IKEA, it’s a magical wonderland of home goods! As for my husband.. well, he just smiles and nods and heads for the food court.
This was such a good show. DAMN YOU ABC!!! *shakes fist at sky* I’m bitter about this cancellation and Suburgatory as well.
This made me giggle so much. Staaaaahp!
I liked this game, but I liked it as a pirate adventure. From an AC standpoint it felt unfinished. I feel like Edward’s turn as an assassin was only cursory at best. He never even technically was an assassin. I think if this would have been branded solely as a pirate game I would have enjoyed it more on it’s own. I…
Yeah, mine cut off his hair. And its a lot grayer than it was when we got married. But there is still a heavy metal soul in there :)
Am I the only person who would buy an off registry gift with no gift receipt for these two assclowns?
My 15 year old self would be happy that I lost 100 lbs, but bummed that it took another 20 plus years to lose it. 15 year old self would also give me a thumbs up for marrying a long haired metal guy.
Two words: Damage Control. Of course their spokesperson is going to say they didn’t fill it because it wasn’t FDA approved for the use she was given it for. I’m sure that tons of other Rxs come through that Wal-Mart for off-label use.
If you need that many pickles you should just go to the Costco and get an industrial sized jar of them and scoop them out by hand and eat them in the privacy of your car.
This makes it official. I'm an old. Not sure when that happened, but I don't understand any of this.
If you take the Kimball bus to Lincolnwood Town center, you can walk across the street from the mall to the Wal-Mart (which is like, Touhy and Central Park) and you will be in Skokie. All those towns twist around and ride up against one another and you don’t know where one suburb ends and another begins.
The other day I went to the gym. I was in the locker room and the locker bay I picked smelled like someone just got done smoking weed. I don’t smoke pot, but I’m originally from Indiana (land of the toker), I know enough pot heads to know what weed smells like. And the funny part was that everyone was trying to be…
My husband used to have long hair. It was all over the place. Our drains would slow down and eventually I would have to snake them and giant gobs of slimy long man hair would come out of them (even with a drain cover). Cat hair and man hair tumbleweeds would form when we had the windows opened. There would…